Kikuchi Akemi
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 菊池朱美
- Former School: Chitose Bridge High School
- Year: Third
- Blood Type: B
- Height: 160cm
- Three Sizes: B88 / W60 / H84
- Birthday: October 30 (Scorpio)
- Hobbies: Fantasizing
- Main Attribute: Cool
Kikuchi Akemi [Normal #9] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 750 | 510 | 1680 | ||
Kikuchi Akemi [Normal #411] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 1760 | 420 | 800 | ||
Above: Added on September 15, 2014.
Kikuchi Akemi [Normal #734] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 460 | 1800 | 760 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 22 event.
Kikuchi Akemi [Normal #1067] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 460 | 760 | 1840 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 15 event.
Kikuchi Akemi [Normal #1406] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 1880 | 770 | 450 | ||
Above: Added on December 31, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 37 event.
Kikuchi Akemi [Normal #2251] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 770 | 1920 | 450 | ||
Above: Added on December 31, 2019.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#9) |
Akemi: Kikuchi Akemi, third year. I'm always holding a camera in one hand and running around inside the school.
Give and Take! (#411) |
Akemi: Gotta hurry, gotta hurry!!
Cameras Can Tell Stories Too (#734) |
Akemi: Whoa! Did you find treasure!?
An Unfortunate Matter (#1067) |
Akemi: One, two, three, four... Okay, I've got that down pat too.
The Day My Wish Was Granted (#1406) |
Akemi: Oh, perfect timing! Do you have some time today? There's somewhere I want to take you.
Home Screen
シャッターチャンス! (#9 only)
A photo opportunity!
なるほど、これは…ヤバイわね! (#9 only)
I see. This is... extremely bad!
一瞬の美しさ……それを私はこのカメラに留めておくの! (#9 only)
The beauty of a single moment... I want to capture those with my camera!
あら……あなたってもしかして、かわいいんじゃない?写真撮ってあげようか? (#411 only)
My... You're pretty cute, aren't you? Do you want me to take a picture of you?
どんな環境下でも美しい写真を撮るために、受け身の練習中なの。はあーっ!! (#411 only)
I'm learning how to be passive in order to take beautiful pictures in any environment. Haaa!!
うちの校内新聞は素晴らしいわよ。私が写真提供してるしね~ (#411 only)
Our school newspaper is amazing. After all, I'm the one taking the photos for it~
あなたもカメラ持ってみない? 一眼レフもオートモードあるし、怖がらなくて平気だって! (#734 only)
Why don't you try holding a camera too? SLRs have an auto mode too, so there's nothing to be afraid of!
運動部の撮影に行くと、応援してる咲ちゃんが目に飛び込んでくるの。チアっていいよね~ (#734 only)
When I go to photograph the sports clubs, Saki-chan's cheerleading always catches my eye. Cheerleaders are just so great~
キョロキョロしすぎ? だって、いつどこにシャッターチャンスがあるか分からないもの (#734 only)
I'm glancing around too much? You never know when a photo opportunity will show up.
ステージ準備が忙しくても、カメラは肌身離さず! カメラがないと調子も出ないのよね~ (#1067 only)
Even when concert prep gets tough, my camera never leaves my side! I just can't get into the groove without it~
ななかちゃんが呼んでる! 特ダネの香りをかぎつけたのかしら!? (#1067 only)
Nanaka-chan's looking for me! Did she get wind of a delicious scoop!?
見て見て、るうちゃんのこの笑顔! 本人は否定してるけど、フォトジェニックなの♪ (#1067 only)
Look at Ruu-chan's smile here! She's quite photogenic, despite how much she denies it. ♪
文絵ちゃんにコスプレさせて、それを撮影するのはどう? 面白そう! (#1406 only)
What do you think about having Fumie-chan cosplay and then taking pictures of her? It sounds fun to me!
私も文才があるなら、歌詞を考えてみたいな。……やるだけやってみる? (#1406 only)
I'd come up with lyrics if I were good at writing... Should I give it a shot anyway?
夜景を撮りに行きたいな。一緒に行く? (#1406 only)
I want to go photograph some night views. Do you want to come along?
Tapping the Character
You want to borrow my camera? No can do!
I'm at a good part right now, so don't bother me!
さあ、ストーリーを見るわよ! (When there are unread stories)
Come on, let's read the story!
ライブ?写真なら任せて! (When there are new live stages)
A live? Leave the photos to me!