A guide to the choices provided by the game's menus on different screens.
Home Screen
- 1. Ranking (Level of the player)*
- 2. Currency Amount*
- 3. Current EXP/EXP needed to rank up*
- 4. Live Points (Timer indicates minutes:seconds until next live point is restored)*
- 5. Loveca Stones*
- 6. Restore Live Points*
- 7. News and Mailbox
- 8. Gifts
- 9. Game News/Updates
- 10. Assignments
- 11. Event Page
- 12. Home Menu*
- 13. Story*
- 14. Units*
- 15. Live*
- 16. Recruitment*
- 17. Shop*
- 18. Other*
- 19. Title
Note: Starred Items will be seen in most of the other screens as well.
Live Performance Screen
- 1. Song Selection
- 2. Max Ranking in Score/Combo/Clear Rate
- 3. From left to right: Difficulty (star), Attribute (circle), Song Title, LP Used, Prizes
- 4. Difficulty Selection
- 5. Alternate between μ's and Aqours songs
- 6. Toggles between Normal song selection/Special song selection
- 7. Player's Global Ranking in the song
Other Screens
The other screens have less content, therefore, only a description of the choices will be provided.
- メインストーリー: Main Story Selection
- サイドストーリー: Side Story Selection
- その他のストーリー: Other Stories Selection (ie event stories from the School idol diary events; only those that you have unlocked during their respective events will appear here)
Club Members:
- ユニット蹁成: Change Unit Members
- 練習: "Lessons" (Level up Character Cards)
- 特別練習: "Special Lessons" (Transform Character Cards)
- 転部: Sell Character Cards
- 部員リスト: List Club Members
- スクールアイドルスキル: School Idol Skill configuration
- The left side of both tabs is just an advertisement with a button to see the current chances of getting a card of a certain rarity and also the cards that are able to be drawn from the specific boxes
- 普通勧誘 tab (Normal Recruitment) / 限定勧誘 tab
- On the right side upper section is premium recruitment (rarity R and above)
- 1 draw for 5 loveca stones, 11 draws for 50 loveca stones
- Underneath is a button to purchase Loveca Stones and a bar indicating number of draws left until a free voucher
- On the right side lower section is regular recruitment (rarity N and R)
- 1 draw for every 100 friend points, maximum 10 draws (1000 friend points) at a time
- During events, the 限定勧誘 tab can be accessed for special recruitment boxes. The layout is the same except for the regular recruitment section being replaced by details of the box.
- 補助チケット勧誘 tab
- First screen: Use 5 vouchers for a card of rarity SR or higher
- Second screen: Use 1 voucher for a support member card
- Restore LP.
- Purchase Loveca Stones.
- Use Loveca Stones to increase max number of club members.
- The final large button below advertises special sets that can be purchased with unique tickets and items.
Other Options:
(Note: Choices are listed from left to right, top to bottom)
- お知らせ: Game news/updates
- アルバム: Album
- 課題: Assignments
- プロフィール: Profile
- 称号: Titles
- 友達: Friends List
- ランキング: Global Rankings
- シールSHOP: Seal Shop
- 背景設定: Backgrounds
- 各種設定: Game/Gameplay Options
- アカウント tab
- Connect to Bushimo
- Change name
- Enter/retrieve recovery code
- ライブ tab
- Cut-ins: None / Medium / Large
- Effects: Off / On (Effects include a fancier combo counter, sparkles in the background, fancier effects when skills happen, and an indicator showing fluctuations in score and HP)
- Text size: Small / Medium / Large
- Timing adjustment, rhythm icon design
- On the right, adjust the rhythm icon speed for each difficulty. Button at the top right resets all to default.
- 共通 tab
- Text speed: Slow / Normal / Fast
- Sound options (button at the top right resets them to default)
- その他 tab
- Pre-download main story/side story/character/live data. The character option switches between downloading images/voices as needed and downloading everything.
- Push notifications when your LP is full: on/off
- サポート: Support (Contact Information)
- ヘルプ: Help
- ヒント: Hints
- 利用規約: Terms of Agreement/License
- 購入履歴: Purchase History
- 受取履歴: Gifts/Rewards received
- アーケード連動: Connect to the arcade version
- ログインボーナス: Login bonus schedule
- 友達リスト: Friends List
- 申請中リスト: Requests Sent List
- 承認待ちリスト: Unapproved Requests Recieved List
- ID検索: View your user ID, and request a friend based on user ID
Event Page:
- スコアマッチに参加する!: Enter a Score Match Game! (Score Match Event only)
- On the left, in order from top to bottom: Points until next reward; Total event points; Current number of tokens
- ルール説明: Event Rules
- イベントランキング: Event Ranking
- On the top there are two buttons:
- イベント楽曲ランキング/イベントランキング: Drop down switches between event point ranking, event song ranking, friends' event point ranking, friends' event song ranking
- 1位/自分の順位/...: Drop down menu lets you choose between viewing first place, player's rank, then to the respective cutoffs
Score Match Phrases:
Before the Live:
- よろしくね♪: Let's have a good match! ♪
- れっつごー♪: Let's go~ ♪
- はじめまして!: Nice meeting you!
- この曲好き!: I like this song!
- みんなカワイイっ!: Everyone's so cute!
- がんばろー!: Let's do our best!
- たのしみましょ~♪: Let's have fun~ ♪
- にっこにっこにー: Nico Nico Smile~ (μ's Event) / "ヨーソロー!": Steady as she goes! (Aqours Event)
- ファイトだよ!: Fight! (μ's Event) / "がんばルビィ!": "I'll do my ruby-best!" (Aqours Event)
- いくよFULL COMBO!: I'll full combo this!
After the Live:
- お疲れさま♪: Good job! ♪
- おめでと~!: Congrats~!
- またね♪: See you! ♪
- いっちばーん!: I'm first!
- みんな大好き!: Love you all!
- ありがとう♪: Thanks! ♪
- たのしかったね!: That was fun!
- ハラショー!: Harasho! (μ's Event) / "シャイニー!": "Shiny!" (Aqours Event)
- 次は負けない!: I won't lose next time!
- やったねFULL COMBO!: I/You got a full combo!