Torii Ayumi
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 鳥居歩美
- Former School: Seiran High School
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 154cm
- Three Sizes: B77 / W56 / H76
- Birthday: March 8 (Pisces)
- Hobbies: Baking
- Main Attribute: Pure
Torii Ayumi [Normal #14] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 590 | 1900 | 670 | ||
Torii Ayumi [Normal #466] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 1980 | 720 | 500 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Nozomin no Spiritual Life. event.
Torii Ayumi [Normal #767] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 540 | 680 | 2020 | ||
Above: Added on December 31, 2015.
Torii Ayumi [Normal #896] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 690 | 2060 | 530 | ||
Above: Added on June 15, 2016.
Torii Ayumi [Normal #1460] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2100 | 520 | 700 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 4 event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 20 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#14) |
Ayumi: I'm Torii Ayumi. I'm only going to say it once, so make sure you remember it!
Say It Clearly (#466) |
Ayumi: Hmm... A fairy's outfit wouldn't look good on me...
Outfit Coordination (#767) |
Ayumi: This doesn't look that good... And the colors clash for this one...
Secret Letter (#896) |
Ayumi: Oh, there's a letter in my desk...
Stop Being Irresponsible (#1460) |
Ayumi: Our dance came out pretty well, and the choreography matches the new song.
Home Screen
ほら、さっさとする! (#14 only)
Hurry up and get a move on already!
ま、今日は特別に付き合ってあげるわ (#14 only)
Well, I'll make an exception today and come with you.
……余計な気遣いはいらないわ (#14 only)
...I don't want your unnecessary concern.
邪魔しないで。今朝作ったマドレーヌをあげるから、向こうに行ってちょうだい (#466 only)
Don't bother me. I'll give you some of the madeleines I made this morning, so go away.
……悪かったわ。ちょっとキツく言い過ぎちゃったみたい (#466 only)
...Sorry. I guess I went overboard when I said that.
亜矢は緊張しすぎなのよ。もっと自分らしさを押し出せばいいのに (#466 only)
Aya's way too nervous. All she has to do is highlight more of her own character.
子どもたちにあげるケーキを焼いてるの。みなみの家が保育園やってるでしょ (#767 only)
I baked a cake to give to the kids since Minami's family runs a nursery.
ねえ、さち子。川原で小石拾ったり、森で小枝拾ったり……それ何か意味あるの? (#767 only)
Hey, Sachiko, is there any point... in picking up rocks by the riverbed or twigs from the forest?
今日は練習がなくて暇なの。どこか楽しいところに連れていって? (#767 only)
There's no practice today so I'm bored. Take me somewhere fun, will you?
来週から朝練するの。あなたもついてきていいわよ……ていうか、ついてきなさい (#896 only)
We're practicing in the mornings starting next week. Feel free to come... or rather, you better come.
以前のサーカス衣装が評判よかったの。やっぱり鞭が良かったのかしら? (#896 only)
Our circus outfits from last time were well received. Was it all because of my whip?
歌に気持ちを乗せるのが難しくて……そういうときはしずくに手伝ってもらってるわ (#896 only)
It's hard putting one's feelings into our songs... That's when I get Shizuku to help me.
また私に会いに来たの? ヒマなのね (#1460 only)
You came to see me again? You sure have a lot of time on your hands.
私のグーパンチが気になる? そんなに試したいなら、してあげてもいいわよ (#1460 only)
You're curious about my knuckle sandwich? If you really want to know that badly, I don't mind giving you one.
クッキー食べる? 当然、あなたのために作ったわけじゃないんだけど (#1460 only)
Do you want some cookies? Obviously, I didn't make these just for you.
Tapping the Character
...What do you want?
You're so annoying!
ストーリー、見てないのがあるみたい。 (When there are unread stories)
It looks like there's a story you haven't read.
ほら、ライブするんでしょ? (When there are new live stages)
Come on, aren't we doing a live?