Konoe Kanata

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Konoe profile.png

Character Profile

  • Japanese Name: 近江 彼方
  • Grade: 3rd Year
  • Birthday: December 16 (Sagittarius)
  • Blood Type: O
  • Height: 158cm
  • Hobbies: Playing with her little sister
  • Three Sizes: B85 / W60 / H86
  • Main Attribute: Smile (Previously Cool)
  • CV: Kito Akari

A third-year student who recently transferred to Nijigasaki High School. She always looks sleepy, but she quickly becomes passionate when it comes to cooking and caring for her little sister Haruka. If she could, she would want to sleep for her entire life.




Konoe Kanata [Normal #18]
Kanata cool n18.jpg Kanata cool n18 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 690 690 2060

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Konoe Kanata [Normal #181]
Kanata pure n181.jpg Kanata pure n181 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 620 2140 720

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 2 event.

Konoe Kanata [Normal #534]
Kanata smile n534.jpg Kanata smile n534 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 2180 640 700

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on February 15, 2015.

Konoe Kanata [Normal #969]
Kanata cool n969.jpg Kanata cool n969 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 700 640 2220

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on July 31, 2016.

Konoe Kanata [Normal #1559]
Kanata pure n1559.jpg Kanata pure n1559 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 710 2260 630

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on April 30, 2018.



Super Rares

Konoe Kanata [Super Rare #1570]
Kanata smile sr1570.jpg Kanata smile sr1570 t.jpg Max Level: 80
HP: 4 4230 2560 2860

Appeal: Total Trick
For every 20 notes, there is a 36% chance of turning all greats in the next 2 seconds into perfects. (Level 1)

Center Skill: Smile Heart
Increases Smile points by 6%.

Above: Special login bonus and available in Seal Shop during May 2018 in celebration of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club's regular program on Abema TV.

Konoe Kanata [Super Rare #1798]
This card comes pre‑transformed. Kanata smile sr1798.jpg Max Level: 80
HP: 4 4490 3990 3660

Appeal: Perfect Charm
For every 15 perfects, there is a 36% chance of increasing players score by 200 points. (Level 1)

Center Skill: Smile Heart
Increases Smile points by 6%.

Super Super Rares

Konoe Kanata [Super Super Rare #2049]
Kanata smile ssr2049.png Kanata smile ssr2049 t.png Max Level: 90
HP: 4 4160 3920 2950

Appeal: Rhythmical Charm
For every 17 hit combo string, there is a 36% chance of increasing players score by 200 points. (Level 1)

Center Skill: Smile Energy
Increases Smile points by 4%.

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 18 event.

Ultra Rares


Side Stories

Self-Introduction (#18)

Kanata: Konoe Kanata...

Kanata: Haruka-chan said that she'd be a school idol, so I thought I'd help her out a bit...

Kanata: Ah, have you... seen Haruka-chan...? She's my little sister.

Kanata: zzz...

The Duties of a Health Committee Member (?) (#181)

Kanata: Morning...

Kanata: I'm not skipping. I'm a member of the health committee...

Kanata: Haruka-chan got angry and told me to go to class... but being in the nurse's office is more important.

Kanata: Good job, me...

Kanata: Are you curious about this pillow? It's mine... No one else is allowed to use it.

Kanata: *yawn*... Well, I'm off to take a nap...

Kanata: Oh yeah... If you happen to run into Haruka-chan, tell her to be nicer to me, okay...?

Kanata: It's a promise... zzz

I Wonder if She'll Give Me Any Chocolate (#534)

Kanata: Ah...

Kanata: I ate the chocolate I was planning on giving to Haruka-chan...

Kanata: ............

Kanata: Oh well... There's still three pieces left.

Kanata: I wonder if she'll give me any chocolate...

Kanata: If you run into her, remind her to give chocolate to me.

Kanata: Tonight's dinner will be hamburger steaks in the shape of chocolates...

Kanata: There's still a bit of time until school's over, so I'm going back to sleep... zzz

I Wasn't Asleep (#969)

Kanata: The infirmary's closed today so you can't use it. Nobody's there...

Kanata: Did you know... We have a concert starting now in the gym.

Kanata: Today's will be a good performance...

Kanata: I'm Haruka-chan's sister, so I can't mess up and make her sad...

Kanata: ...zzz

Kanata: ...Ah!

Kanata: I-I wasn't asleep...

Kanata: I'm more admirable than ever before today... Enjoy the performance.

Pajama Talk (#1559)

Kanata: ......

Kanata: ............

Kanata: Ah... How long have you been here for? Was I asleep?

Kanata: Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to make you wait.

Kanata: Hmm, this outfit? They're my pajamas. Haruka-chan and Kasane-chan made them for me.

Kanata: Are pajamas needed at school...? Of course they are. They're easier to fall asleep in.

Kanata: Is there a need to sleep at school?

Kanata: Hmm... I'll get back to you on that...


Home Screen

おはよ……帰っていい? (#18 only)
Good morning... Can I go home?

……ねむい (#18 only)
...I'm sleepy.

今日は何するの? (#18 only)
What should I do today?

おふとんが恋しいのは、人間の本能だよ (#181 only)
Yearning for the bed is part of being human.

今年の目標は……よく眠ること…… (#181 only)
My goal for this year... is to get lots of sleep...

頑張ったら眠くなってきた……もうダメ…… (#181 only)
I got sleepy after giving it my all... I can't go on...

料理だけはちゃんとやってる……でも、料理した分だけ睡眠時間も増えるよ (#534 only)
Cooking is the only thing I'm good at... but the more I cook, the more I have to sleep.

道に迷うと、遥ちゃんが助けに来てくれる……私のカーナビ…… (#534 only)
Haruka-chan helps me out when I get lost... She's my GPS...

みんな保健室に遊びに来るよ 学校の楽園…… (#534 only)
Everyone, come to the infirmary to play. It's the school's paradise...

寝てたら……起こさなくていいから…… (#969 only)
If I go to sleep... you don't have to wake me up...

冬はおふとん……夏はタオルケット…… (#969 only)
Futons in winter... Towelkets in summer...

遥ちゃんに勉強教えてって言っといて…… (#969 only)
Can you ask Haruka-chan to help me study...

遥ちゃんはえらい……彼方ちゃんも負けないくらいえらい…… (#1559 only)
Haruka-chan is a good girl... I'm just as good...

踊ってるときは寝てないよ。安心して (#1559 only)
I don't fall asleep when I dance. Relax.

お昼寝したくなったら、保健室においで (#1559 only)
When you feel like taking a nap, come to the infirmary.

Tapping the Character

Mm... What's wrong?

...What? You're bothering me.


お話見れるんだって (When there are unread stories)
It looks like you can read some stories.

ライブ……やれば? (When there are new live stages)
Why not... do a live?