Tanaka Sachiko
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 田中さち子
- Former School: Seiran High School
- Year: First
- Blood Type: AB
- Height: 156cm
- Three Sizes: B83 / W59 / H82
- Birthday: September 3 (Virgo)
- Hobbies: Visiting abandoned buildings
- Main Attribute: Cool
Tanaka Sachiko [Normal #21] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 820 | 580 | 2220 | ||
Tanaka Sachiko [Normal #398] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 490 | 2300 | 870 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Otonoki Nana Fushigi. event.
Tanaka Sachiko [Normal #568] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2340 | 510 | 850 | ||
Above: Added on April 15, 2015.
Tanaka Sachiko [Normal #893] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 570 | 790 | 2380 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Yozora wa Nandemo Shitteru Mitai event.
Tanaka Sachiko [Normal #1173] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 790 | 2420 | 570 | ||
Above: Added on April 15, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Touring Rally Round 5 event.
Tanaka Sachiko [Normal #2112] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2460 | 820 | 540 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 40 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#21) |
Sachiko: I am the Wizard of the Abyss... For reasons, I cannot reveal my true name.
The Time Has Come (#398) |
Sachiko: This forbidden power... The time has come for me to release the seal.
Let Me Take You to Your Seat ♪ (#568) |
Sachiko: Welcome~ ♪
The Art of Capturing (#893) |
Sachiko: Boil together the leg of a spider, prickly weeds and water from a full moon... I can't get a spider leg so I'll substitute it with this string.
Sachiko's Leg Cramp (#1173) |
Sachiko: That's strange! Things weren't supposed to turn out like this!
Gat of Truth (#1618) |
Sachiko: I knew thou wouldst come... For I am she who knows the truth of this world.
Home Screen
この右腕の封印だけは……解くわけにはいかないんだ (#21 only)
Under no circumstances... can I undo the seal on my right arm.
夜明けか……漆黒を好む我が身には少し辛いな (#21 only)
Daybreak, huh... It's a bit tough on my body, which prefers the darkness.
我に声を掛けたこと……後悔はさせん (#21 only)
You won't regret... talking to me.
覚悟を決めよ。汝をスクールアイドルのステージへと誘わん (#398 only)
Prepare yourself. I shall be calling you to the performances of school idol.
ふふ、我が力を前にして、震えているのか? (#398 only)
Hehe, are you trembling before my might?
ああ、右腕が疼く。まるで、片翼をもがれた堕天使のごとく…… (#398 only)
Ah, my right arm is throbbing, as if I were a fallen angel with one wing plucked...
廃墟めぐりに行きたい? ククク……よい心がけだ (#568 only)
You want to go visit ruins? Hehehe... I like your thinking.
やむを得ん……亜矢には世話になっている (#568 only)
I have no choice... I'll have to ask Aya for help.
さち子ではないと言ったはずだ。これを見よ、我が名札にも深淵の魔術師と刻まれている (#568 only)
Haven't I told you that I am not Sachiko? Look, even my name tag says Wizard of the Abyss.
我は部費で秘術研究用の大釜を購入したい。……ダメか? (#893 only)
I wish to use secret arts research club budget to purchase a large pot... Can I?
我がメイド服を着ているところを見た?クク……それは残像だ (#893 only)
You saw me in a maid outfit? Hehe... That was an afterimage.
マリカは飽きっぽいのだ。黒魔術の道は容易く極められるものではないというのに (#893 only)
Marika gets bored of things too easily. The path of black magic is not something to be taken lightly.
応援しないと呪うぞ (#1173 only)
I'll curse you if you don't cheer for me.
メイド喫茶? クク……そんなもの知らないな (#1173 only)
Maid cafe? Hehe... I don't know anything about that.
ああ、我が結界で花粉も弾き飛ばせたらいいのに (#1173 only)
Ahh, if only my barrier could fend off pollen as well.
Tapping the Character
I hope you know... the consequences of touching me.
Kyaa!? ...Ahem, I mean, did something happen?
共に新たな歴史(ストーリー)を紡ごうではないか (When there are unread stories)
Let us weave history together.
さあ、宴(ライブ)を始めよう! (When there are new live stages)
Now, let the feast begin!