Konoe Haruka
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 近江遥
- Former School: Shinonome Academy
- Year: First
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 154cm
- Three Sizes: B78 / W57 / H80
- Birthday: November 11 (Scorpio)
- Hobbies: Looking after her older sister
- Main Attribute: Smile
Konoe Haruka [Normal #19] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2140 | 840 | 550 | ||
Konoe Haruka [Normal #457] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 890 | 460 | 2220 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 14 event.
Konoe Haruka [Normal #526] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 870 | 2260 | 480 | ||
Above: Added on January 31, 2015.
Konoe Haruka [Normal #1106] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2300 | 480 | 870 | ||
Above: Added on January 15, 2017.
Konoe Haruka [Normal #1290] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 470 | 880 | 2340 | ||
Above: Added on September 15, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Touring Rally Round 7 event.
Konoe Haruka [Normal #2257] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 480 | 2380 | 870 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 14 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#19) |
Haruka: I'm Konoe Haruka, a first year. ♪ I'm the my class's representative.
No Appeal as a Girl! (#457) |
Haruka: Geez, Onee-chan!
Medal of Honor Valentine's (#526) |
Haruka: Hmm, maybe something like this...?
The Infirmary in the New School Term (#1106) |
Haruka: Wake up! Wake up, Onee-chan! We'll be late for the opening ceremony for school.
Onee-chan, a Beautiful Flower (#1290) |
Haruka: *pant*, *pant*... Excuse me! Look at this!
Home Screen
遅れちゃダメですよ~? (#19 only)
Being late is a no-no, okay~?
今日も元気に頑張ります♪ (#19 only)
I'll give my all today too. ♪
ほら、シャキっとしてください! (#19 only)
Come on now, let's do this properly!
練習をサボっちゃダメですよ? 私、見張ってますっ (#457 only)
No skipping practice, okay? I'll be keeping watch!
私、料理だけは苦手なんです。うう、女子力…… (#457 only)
Cooking is the only thing I'm not good at. Uu, this damages my image as a girl...
お姉ちゃんには、ちゃんと授業受けないとダメだよって言ってるんだけど…… (#457 only)
I always tell Onee-chan that she shouldn't be skipping classes, but...
お姉ちゃんが毎日朝ごはんを用意してくれるんです。私は果物をむく系♪ (#526 only)
Onee-chan makes breakfast every day. I just help her peel the fruit. ♪
私たちのステージ、いつもクラスのみんなも観に来てくれるんです。嬉しいなあ (#526 only)
All of my classmates always come to watch our performances. That makes me happy.
お姉ちゃんと理華ちゃんは仲がいいんです。波長が合うのかな? (#526 only)
Onee-chan and Rika-chan get along well. I guess they're on the same wavelength?
今日の練習もあともう少し。一緒に頑張りましょう♪ (#1106 only)
Practice is almost over for the day. Let's keep it up. ♪
朝起きるのが辛い? 任せてください、私が電話して起こします! (#1106 only)
You find it hard to get up in the mornings? Leave it to me. I'll give you a wake up call!
いっそお姉ちゃんと一緒に保健室で暮らす……?い、いやいやそれはちょっと! (#1106 only)
I should just live with you in the infirmary, Onee-chan...? N-No way!
一緒に練習しましょう!今日の放課後、待ってますね♪ (#1290 only)
Let's practice together! I'll be waiting for you after school today! ♪
たまにはお料理でもしようかな……でもお姉ちゃんが隣にいてくれないと不安かも! (#1290 only)
Maybe I should try cooking sometime... But I'd be worried without Onee-chan by my side!
またお姉ちゃんが保健室で寝てる!! 理華ちゃんに寝なくなる薬とか作ってもらえないかな…… (#1290 only)
Onee-chan's asleep in the infirmary again! Could I get Rika-chan to make something that prevents drowsiness...?
Tapping the Character
Geez, stop playing around~!
Do you need me for something?
ストーリーを見てみましょう! (When there are unread stories)
Let's read a story!
ライブに行きますよー? (When there are new live stages)
Let's go do a live.