Morishima Nanaka
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 森嶋ななか
- Former School: Chitose Bridge High School
- Year: Third
- Blood Type: B
- Height: 163cm
- Three Sizes: B82 / W60 / H84
- Birthday: March 7 (Pisces)
- Hobbies: Things she's interested in
- Main Attribute: Smile
Morishima Nanaka [Normal #16] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 1980 | 690 | 670 | ||
Morishima Nanaka [Normal #403] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 740 | 580 | 2160 | ||
Above: Added on August 31, 2014.
Morishima Nanaka [Normal #670] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 680 | 2200 | 640 | ||
Above: Added on August 31, 2015.
Morishima Nanaka [Normal #863] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2240 | 610 | 710 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 2 event.
Morishima Nanaka [Normal #1426] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 600 | 720 | 2280 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Okorinbo Taikai event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 17 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#16) |
Nanaka: I'm Morishima Nanaka! ♪
Smells Like a Scoop (#403) |
Nanaka: Scoops~ ♪ I'm waiting for scoops~ ♪ I don't care if it's something dangerous!
The Newspaper Club's Duty (#670) |
Nanaka: I see... So she's the school idol who's popular right now...
The Entity Known as Morishima Nanaka (#863) |
Nanaka: At times, she's a high school girl, and at others, she's a newspaper reporter...
Seeds of a Scoop (#1426) |
Nanaka: I'm Morishima Nanaka from the newspaper club! I'm looking for scoops among scoops, ones that shine brightly like stars.
Home Screen
次回の校内新聞の目玉はこれだ! (#16 only)
The special feature in the next edition of the school newspaper is this!
なーんか面白そうな香りがするなあ~? (#16 only)
Something smells interesting~
倒れるなら前のめり!ってね! (#16 only)
If you're going to fall, then fall face first! Or something like that!
校内新聞の写真は、朱美に撮ってもらうことが多いんだ (#403 only)
Most of the photos in the school newspaper are taken by Akemi.
問題児扱いされることもあるけど、こう見えて成績はいいからさ~ (#403 only)
I'm often treated like a problem child, but I have pretty good grades~
校内新聞は無料だよ。大衆に情報を提供するのが、我らの役目なのさ (#403 only)
The school newspaper is free. It's our duty to offer information to the masses.
小さな出来事が人の心を動かすことだって、たくさんある。そういうのを記事にしたいんだ (#670 only)
There are many small things that can move people's hearts. Those are what I want to write articles about.
スクールアイドルも結構板に付いてきたかな? これからも精進していかないとね (#670 only)
I wonder if I've gotten used to being a school idol yet. I have to keep working hard.
授業の予習とはいい心がけだね~ 分からないところは教えてあげるよ (#670 only)
It's good practice to read ahead to prepare for classes~ I'll teach you the stuff you don't understand.
特技はかわいいスクールアイドルを取材することです! ……ってどう? (#863 only)
My special skill is interviewing cute school idols! ...How's that sound?
うっ、うううっ……今回の朱美の写真は素晴らしい…… (#863 only)
U-Uuu... Akemi's photos this time are really great...
校内新聞に私たちのステージの記事を載せよう。しょ、職権乱用じゃないぞ (#863 only)
Let's put an article about our concert in the school newspaper. I-I'm not abusing my authority at all.
本はいいよ。小さな中に、広がる小宇宙さ (#1426 only)
I love books. There's a whole universe inside something so small.
「特ダネ常時募集中」(看板がかかっている……) (#1426 only)
"Always collecting scoops" (Posted on a billboard...)
キミもうちの校内新聞に記事を書いてみない? いい着眼点持ってそうだよ (#1426 only)
Why don't you try writing an article for our school newspaper? You seem like you'd have good opinions.
Tapping the Character
Hmm? Did you find some a good scoop for an article?
What is it? You want me to play with you?
ストーリーを記事の参考にさせてもらおうかな♪ (When there are unread stories)
Maybe I'll use the stories as a reference for my articles. ♪
そうだ!ライブをして、その記事を作ろう! (When there are new live stages)
That works! I've write an article about the live after we're done!