Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 須田いるか
- Former School: Chitose Bridge High School
- Year: First
- Blood Type: O
- Height: 159cm
- Three Sizes: B88 / W57 / H82
- Birthday: February 18 (Aquarius)
- Hobbies: Taking walks
- Main Attribute: Smile
Suda Iruka [Normal #10]
Max Level: 40
HP: 3
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Suda Iruka [Normal #353]
Max Level: 40
HP: 3
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Added on June 30, 2014.
Suda Iruka [Normal #638]
Max Level: 40
HP: 3
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Added on June 30, 2015.
Suda Iruka [Normal #819]
Max Level: 40
HP: 3
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Added on February 29, 2016.
Suda Iruka [Normal #1274]
Max Level: 40
HP: 3
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 10 event.
Suda Iruka [Super Super Rare #1882]
Max Level: 90
HP: 4
Appeal: Timer Charm
For every 10 seconds, there is a 36% chance of increasing players score by 200 points. (Level 1)
Center Skill: Smile Energy
Increases Smile points by 4%.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Touring Rally Round 8 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#10)
Iruka: Hey, I'm Suda Iruka!
Iruka: I've been swimming for as long as I can remember.
Iruka: My best stroke is the butterfly! The one where you use the dolphin kick! [1]
Iruka: Hmm... School idol? What's that?
Iruka: O-Oh, that thing where I'm dancing and everything...
Iruka: Y-Yeah, I'll do my best!
- ↑ "Dolphin" in Japanese is "iruka".
I'm Not Used to Being on Land (#353)
Iruka: Oh, long time no see! You came for a swim too?
Iruka: When you think of summer, you think of the pool, though I'm in the pool all the time.
Iruka: This summer, I want to improve my time on the 200m butterfly.
Iruka: I get the feeling that if I take off my swimsuit, my time would improve... but I know I can't do that in public. I know that much; I'm already in high school!
Iruka: Huh? School idol?
Iruka: I-I'm practicing for that. By swimming... in the pool...
Iruka: I do practice outside of the water, but I'm aiming to be a school idol of the pool.
Iruka: Nanaka always praises me for aiming for niche markets. I don't really understand, but I guess my swimming is a niche.
It's Suda! (#638)
Iruka: Morning! Over here!
Iruka: Oh? Did you forget about me?
Iruka: Ah, did you not recognize me because I'm not in my swimsuit? This is the outfit for our upcoming concert.
Iruka: Putting on a show by the poolside makes it seem like it was made just for me.
Iruka: I'm wearing a swimsuit underneath, so I can just jump in the pool at a moment's notice by taking the outfit off.
Iruka: ............
Iruka: Okay! Let's leave the concert for later and go for a swim!
Iruka: You brought a swimsuit, didn't you? I'll go in first, so you hurry up and get changed~
With Heart (#819)
Iruka: Yahoo~ You came to watch our concert today.
Iruka: What do you think of our new outfits? It's probably a bit too cute for me, but everyone looks good in them.
Iruka: We've been practicing for so long, so we have to make sure we gave a performance that lived up to our outfits.
Iruka: But the more I think about it, the more nervous I get... What if I trip or something?
Iruka: Hmm? I've always put on a good performance?
Iruka: Hehe, you think so? I guess! I've made lots of mistakes up until now... but I've never given a performance that I've regretted.
Iruka: I'm famous for being able to do something when I put my mind to it... And now is the time!
Iruka: I feel like I've woken up now after talking to you. Make sure you cheer me on, okay?
Suda on Land (#1274)
Iruka: Yay! Goal! ♪ How was my time?
Iruka: Ooh! ♪ 100 meters in 12.68 seconds, huh? Not bad!
Iruka: I'm unbeatable when I'm in the water... but I'm also surprisingly fast on land! Ehehe, that time is proof.
Iruka: Performing on stage is also a test of one's stamina, and I'd like to give clean movements.
Iruka: I feel like singing isn't something that can be done with just stamina... but everyone else is singing too!
Iruka: With them all helping out with the singing, I can help lead the way with the dance.
Iruka: Nanaka even cheered me on, saying "There's the right person for every job, so keep it up."
Iruka: I belong in the sea, on land, in the air, and also on stage. ♪ I'll continue to give it my all, so thanks for your support!
Home Screen
よーし、今日もやっるぞー (#10 only)
Okay, I'll give it my all today too!
あはははははははは! (#10 only)
ほーら、いっそげー! (#10 only)
Come on, hurry up!
朝はひとっ走りしないと、目が覚めないよなー (#353 only)
If I don't go for a run in the morning, I can't wake up.
プールのスクールアイドルって、もしかしてシンクロナイズドスイミングかー? (#353 only)
Would the school idols of the pool be synchronized swimmers?
うーん、あんまり話すことないなー。何か聞きたいことある? (#353 only)
Hmm, there's not much to talk about. Is there anything you want to ask me?
イルカってかわいいよねー。あ、須田のことじゃなくて、海にいる方だよ (#638 only)
Dolphins (iruka) are so cute. Ah, I'm not talking about myself. The ones in the sea.
朱美ちゃんが須田の写真撮ってくれたよ!水しぶきがいい感じに撮れてるんだ~ (#638 only)
Akemi-chan took a picture of me! The water spray came out really nicely~
授業中寝ないようにするにはどうしたらいいのかなー? まあいっかー (#638 only)
What can I do to keep myself from falling asleep during class? Well, whatever~
今回のステージ、麗音ちゃんと二人でおっきなハートを作る振りがあるんだ。見逃さないでね~ (#819 only)
There's a part of the choreography in the upcoming concert where Reine-chan and I will be making a big heart. Don't miss it~
寒くても須田は元気! だって温水プールがあるもんね~ (#819 only)
I'm always energetic, no matter how cold it is! There are heated pools after all~
テスト直前はもう出来ることはないし、須田は瞑想でもするね……むにゃむにゃ (#819 only)
There's nothing I can do right before I test, so I meditate... Zzz...
水中でパフォーマンス出来たら面白そう! 考えてみようかな~ (#1274 only)
An underwater performance sounds amazing! I'll give it some thought~
アイス食べる? 須田のを分けてあげるね! (#1274 only)
Do you want some ice cream? I'll share mine with you!
夏はいいよね! 夏がなかったら須田はいないかもしれないな~ (#1274 only)
Summer is great, isn't it? I might not exist without it~
Tapping the Character
Muu, you're in the way!
Hmm, what is it?
ストーリーをやるといいみたいだぞ! (When there are unread stories)
Reading the story is apparently a good thing!
なんかライブだってさ! (When there are new live stages)
Something about a live!