Character Profile
- Japanese Name: レオ
- Former School: Y.G. International Academy
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: AB
- Height: 151cm
- Three Sizes: B70 / W53 / H72
- Birthday: August 16 (Leo)
- Hobbies: Sprinting
- Main Attribute: Smile
Leo [Normal #173] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2300 | 800 | 950 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Emono wa... Kimi dayo! event.
Leo [Normal #297] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 1000 | 720 | 2370 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Doushite Onaka ga Suku no kana? event.
Leo [Normal #515] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 980 | 2410 | 740 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 2 event.
Leo [Normal #1116] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2450 | 980 | 740 | ||
Above: Added on January 31, 2017.
Leo [Normal #1346] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 750 | 970 | 2490 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Koishite mo Ii yo event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 38 event.
Leo [Normal #2312] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 740 | 2530 | 980 | ||
Above: Added on March 15, 2020.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction? (#173) |
Leo: ...Name's Leo.
Let's Go Together (#297) |
Leo: The sea! You took me here!
I'm Not Cold! (#515) |
Leo: ...I got a scarf!
What I Like (#1116) |
Leo: Hmm...? Where did you come from?
Mutual Feelings (#1346) |
Leo: The concert's coming up soon. That's why I'm practicing.
Home Screen
レオ、走る。お前も走ろう (#173 only)
I wanna run. You can run with me.
ここはあんまり星が見えないけど、暗くない。変なの (#173 only)
You can't see the stars from here, but it's not dark. Weird.
「クルマ」には気を付けろ。見つけたらレオが倒す (#173 only)
Watch out for "cars". If you find one, I'll defeat it.
ゆかりは何でも知ってる。お前も分からないことがあったら、ゆかりに聞け (#297 only)
Yukari knows everything. If there's anything you don't know, go ask her.
今度はエマと山に行く。 「おべんとう」楽しみだ! (#297 only)
I'm going with Emma to the mountains soon. I'm looking forward to the "boxed lunch"!
早く練習しよう。身体がもっと練習したいって言ってる (#297 only)
Let's practice already. My body is telling me that it wants to.
家族がいるっていいな (#515 only)
It's great having a family with you.
昨日、レベッカの『めがね』借りた。あれはキケンだ。クラクラする (#515 only)
I borrowed Rebecca's "glasses" yesterday. They're dangerous. They make you dizzy.
寒いところにはリスがいるって聞いた。探しに行こう (#515 only)
I heard that there are squirrels in cold places. I'm going to go find one.
早起きして、一緒に遊ぼう! レオ、起こしに行く! (#1116 only)
The earlier they wake up, the earlier we can play! I'm going to go wake them up!
言葉は難しい。でも気持ちは分かる (#1116 only)
Words are hard, but everyone can understand feelings.
さみしいとき、レオが一緒にいる (#1116 only)
I'll be here for you when you're feeling lonely.
靴、ぬいでもいいか? エマもはいてないぞ (#1346 only)
Can I take off my shoes? Emma isn't wearing them either.
「デンシャ」は大きくて、中に入れるんだ (#1346 only)
"Trains" are big and people can go into them.
寒い……くっついていいか? (#1346 only)
It's cold... Can I cuddle up to you?
Tapping the Character
...I don't like being stared at. Go away.
I like your eyes. Can I take a closer look?
こういうのはよく分からない…… (When there are unread stories)
I don't know much about this stuff...
レオが出る。がんばる (When there are new live stages)
I'm going out. I'll do my best.