Character Profile
- Japanese Name: レベッカ
- Former School: Y.G. International Academy
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 167cm
- Three Sizes: B78 / W58 / H80
- Birthday: November 14 (Scorpio)
- Hobbies: Visiting temples
- Main Attribute: Cool
Rebecca [Normal #121] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 780 | 570 | 2150 | ||
Above: Added on July 31, 2013.
Rebecca [Normal #316] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 460 | 2270 | 810 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 8 event.
Rebecca [Normal #493] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2310 | 480 | 790 | ||
Above: Added on December 31, 2014.
Rebecca [Normal #834] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 500 | 770 | 2350 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 1 event.
Rebecca [Normal #1204] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 770 | 2390 | 500 | ||
Above: Added on May 31, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 36 event.
Rebecca [Normal #2201] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2430 | 780 | 490 | ||
Above: Added on October 31, 2019.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction? (#121) |
Rebecca: Hey you, what's your favorite Buddhist image?
The Meaning of Japanese Sweets (#316) |
Rebecca: Hey, what's your favorite Japanese sweet?
Shrine Maiden Experience (#493) |
Rebecca: Ah, fantastic...
Date with Buddha (#834) |
Rebecca: Amazing...! The Great Buddha of Kamakura is even better than I thought it'd be.
The Teachings of Zen (#1204) |
Rebecca: Good work today! It was a nice workout.
Home Screen
過ぎたことをいつまでも考えるのは、よくないわ。常に、未来を見ていかないとね (#121 only)
Dwelling on the past is not good. It prevents you from seeing the future.
日本に来たのは最近だけど、日本語はもう完璧。問題ないわ (#121 only)
I only came to Japan recently, but my Japanese is flawless. No problems here.
君、ラクシャータを見かけなかった?インドの寺院について聞きたいことがあるのに…… (#121 only)
Hey, have you seen Rakshata? I want to ask her some things about the temples in India...
外国の文化が知りたくなったら、いつでも私たちに声をかけてちょうだい (#316 only)
If you're ever interested in the culture of other countries, feel free to call on us.
日本に対する知識が偏ってる? う……そこは、これから頑張って直していくわ (#316 only)
My knowledge of Japanese culture is biased? Uu... I'll try to fix that.
日本文化を一緒に楽しむ友人もできたわ。年配の方ばかりだけれど、とてもエキサイティングよ (#316 only)
I've made some friends who share a common interest in Japanese culture. They're all elderly, but it's very exciting to be with them.
レオに会ったら、このマフラーを渡しておいて。風邪をひきそうで心配だわ (#493 only)
Give this scarf to Leo if you see her. I'm worried that she might catch a cold.
スクールアイドルに専念して、ワザを高めていく。きっとZENの心はここにも…… (#493 only)
Devoting myself to being a school idol and improving my skills. I'm sure that a heart of zen is needed here too...
おみくじ、ダイキチだったの? グレイトね。神様に愛されているのかしら (#493 only)
Did you draw a Great Luck for your fortune? Great. You must be loved by God.
制服のスカートは短い方が好きよ。動きやすいもの (#834 only)
I like it when the skirt on my uniform is short. It makes it easier to move around in.
暖かくなったら、ラクシャータたちも誘ってサクラを見に行きましょ。柔らかい色につつまれたいわ (#834 only)
Once it gets warmer, let's invite Rakshata and the others to see the cherry blossoms. I want to be enveloped by warm colors.
好きなものは好き。物事はシンプルに考えた方が分かりやすいんじゃない? (#834 only)
I like what I like. Isn't it easier if you just keep everything simple?
坐禅の作法を教わっているの。君も今度来てみない? (#1204 only)
I was taught the proper way to meditate. Would you like to join me next time?
ステージでめがねを外すか迷っちゃう。やっぱりステージ仕様がいいかしら? (#1204 only)
I'm debating whether or not to take off my glasses when I go on stage. Maybe we should set some sort of rule.
お花見の写真が出来たの! ゆかりもマリアもみんなはしゃいじゃって……楽しかったわね (#1204 only)
The pictures from the flower viewing are ready! Yukari and Maria were all excited... It was lots of fun.
Tapping the Character
You're insecure, aren't you? Okay, I'll let you hold my hand.
Wow! Why are you touching there!?
ストーリーといえば、『桃太郎』って言う物語を読んだわ。あの魔法の団子はアメイジングね! (When there are unread stories)
Speaking of stories, I read one called "Momotarou". That magic dango was amazing!
一瞬一瞬の立ち居振る舞いが美しくあるよう、努力するわ。心の美しさにもつながると思うから (When there are new live stages)
I'll do my best to ensure that each and every one of my movements are graceful. I believe that it'll show the beauty of my heart.