Saeki Reine
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 佐伯麗音
- Former School: Chitose Bridge High School
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 155cm
- Three Sizes: B75 / W55 / H78
- Birthday: June 16 (Gemini)
- Hobbies: Being fashionable
- Main Attribute: Smile
Saeki Reine [Normal #13] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 1900 | 790 | 500 | ||
Saeki Reine [Normal #244] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 820 | 2000 | 450 | ||
Above: Added on January 31, 2014.
Saeki Reine [Normal #596] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 800 | 470 | 2040 | ||
Above: Added on May 15, 2015.
Saeki Reine [Normal #800] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2080 | 490 | 780 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Hanasanaide You are my love event.
Saeki Reine [Normal #1455] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 500 | 2120 | 770 | ||
Above: Added on February 15, 2018.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 8 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#13) |
Reine: Saeki Reine here! V! ♪
We Were so Close (#244) |
Reine: Reine here~! V! ♪ Do you remember me?
Cyberspace! (#596) |
Reine: Hey, over here! I knew you'd come to my performance~!
School Idol! (#800) |
Reine: Brr, it's freezing. I don't really like the cold. What about you?
What Should We Do with These Hoops? (#1455) |
Reine: Yahoo, it's Reine. ♡ We practiced today with hula hoops. Apparently, they'll help us shape our bodies!
Home Screen
今日の調子はどうかな? (#13 only)
How are you doing today?
ほらほら、ボーっとしてないで!行くよ♪ (#13 only)
Come on now, stop spacing out and let's get started! ♪
よーし、一緒に頑張ろうね♪ (#13 only)
Okay, let's do our best together. ♪
ふーみんの例え話って、みーんなアニメの話なんだ。例えない方が分かりやすいんだよねぇ (#244 only)
Fumin's examples are always based on anime. It'd be easier to understand if she didn't give the example at all.
あ~っ、来た来た! 今日は来ないのかなぁって心配しちゃったよぉ (#244 only)
Ah, you're here! I was worried that you wouldn't come today.
多々良ちゃんってかわいいし、もっと自信持ったらいいと思うんだよね。あなたも言っといてよ~ (#244 only)
Tatara-chan's really cute, so I think it'd be better if she had some more confidence in herself. You go tell her that too~
んー……勉強もダンスと同じくらい楽しければいいのになぁ (#596 only)
Hmm... If only studying were as fun as dancing.
明日はあなたと一緒にお出かけしたいなぁ♪ 麗音のために、一日空けてくれるよね?? (#596 only)
I want to go somewhere with you tomorrow. ♪ You can keep one day free for me, can't you?
ごめんねぇ、今日は凪ちゃんと絵描くから忙しいんだ (#596 only)
Sorry, I'm painting a picture with Nagi-chan today so I'm busy.
衣装が新しくなったんだぁ♪ はやくステージでみんなに見せたいよ~っ (#800 only)
My outfit was refreshed. ♪ I can't wait to show it to everyone on stage~
あなたって、いつも麗音を応援してくれるよねぇ。麗音のことが好きなんだね♪ (#800 only)
You're always cheering for me, aren't you? You must really love me. ♪
須田っちと一緒にプール行ってくるよ~冬に温水プールって贅沢な感じだよねぇ (#800 only)
I'm going to the pool with Sudacchi~ Going to a heated pool in the winter feels so extravagant.
どんな麗音が見たい? あなたのために頑張っちゃおうかなぁ♪ (#1455 only)
Which side of me do you want to see? I'll do my best for you. ♪
ふーみんが言ってることって、いつもよく分かんないの。でも聞いてるのが楽しいんだぁ (#1455 only)
I can never understand what Fuumin is talking about, but it's fun listening to her.
麗音の歌が聴きたい? えへへ、一緒にカラオケ行く~? (#1455 only)
You want to hear my sing? Ehehe, how about we go karaoke together~?
Tapping the Character
Hehe, did you fall for me?
I won't forgive you if you touch me. ♪
ほーら、ストーリー見るよ~? (When there are unread stories)
Come on, there are stories to read~
ライブの準備できてる? (When there are new live stages)
Are you ready for the live?