Nagayama Minami
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 永山みなみ
- Former School: Seiran High School
- Year: Third
- Blood Type: O
- Height: 163cm
- Three Sizes: B85 / W60 / H83
- Birthday: August 30 (Virgo)
- Hobbies: Helping out the nursery school
- Main Attribute: Smile
Nagayama Minami [Normal #7] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 1550 | 650 | 590 | ||
Nagayama Minami [Normal #183] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 690 | 560 | 1620 | ||
Above: Added on November 15, 2013.
Nagayama Minami [Normal #508] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 670 | 1660 | 580 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 15 event.
Nagayama Minami [Normal #1042] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 1700 | 580 | 670 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 28 event.
Nagayama Minami [Normal #1300] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 590 | 660 | 1740 | ||
Above: Added on September 30, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Tasukete agetai kono uta de event.
Nagayama Minami [Normal #2280] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 580 | 1780 | 670 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 21 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#7) |
Minami: I'm everyone's big sister, Nagayama Minami. ♪
Everyone's Big Sister ♪ (#183) |
Minami: Long time no see~ Nagayama Minami here, and I'm still the Minami-oneechan everyone knows.
Everyone, Gather Around and Be Happy! (#508) |
Minami: Hey, over here! ♪ I've been waiting for you~
The Power of Love (#1042) |
Minami: Good work today! I'm everyone's big sister, Nagayama Minami!
A Moment of Happiness (#1300) |
Minami: Thanks for coming to watch us today~ I guess it's our first time talking after a concert like this. ♪
Home Screen
今日もお姉ちゃんと頑張ろうね♪ (#7 only)
Do your best with Onee-chan today too, okay? ♪
疲れた時ほど笑顔笑顔♪ (#7 only)
Make sure you keep a smile on your face when you're tired. ♪
ちゃーんとご飯は食べた~? (#7 only)
Have you had dinner yet~?
よーし、今日はあなたと一緒に練習しちゃお♪ (#183 only)
Okay, I'll practice with you today. ♪
練習が終わったら、お姉ちゃん特製カレーが待ってるよ♪ (#183 only)
Once practice is over, you can look forward to Onee-chan's special curry. ♪
子どもたちとかけっこすると、よく負けちゃうの~もっと足速くなりたいなあ (#183 only)
I always lose whenever I race the kids~ I wish I were a faster runner.
身体、冷えてない? 今お茶淹れるからね (#508 only)
Are you feeling cold? I'll go make some tea right now.
新しい布絵本を作ってるの。保育所のみんな、喜んでくれるといいな♪ (#508 only)
I'm making a new cloth picture book. I hope everyone at the nursery likes it. ♪
おせちは歩美ちゃんと作ったの。お人形さんみたいにかわいくて、お料理も上手な歩美ちゃん♪ (#508 only)
I made some New Year's food with Ayumi-chan. She's as cute as a doll, and she's even good at cooking. ♪
困ったことがあったら、いつでもお姉ちゃんに相談するんだよ (#1042 only)
If you're ever in any trouble, just let your big sister know.
今度みんなでスケートに行くの。あきるちゃんに教えてもらうんだ♪ (#1042 only)
We're all going skating together and having Akiru-chan teach us. ♪
かわいい衣装を着ると、自分がかわいくなったような気がするの。あはは、単純だよね♪ (#1042 only)
Wearing cute clothes makes me feel like I've become cuter. Ahaha, I'm so simple-minded. ♪
おなか空いてない?今日はおやつにパンを焼いてきたよ~ (#1300 only)
Are you hungry? I baked some break as a snack for today~
今度絵本を作ってみたいの。一緒にお話を考えてくれると嬉しいな♪ (#1300 only)
I want to try making a picture book sometime. I'd love it if you could help me come up with stories. ♪
あきるちゃんはご存じクールビューティさんだけど、意外と人情に厚いんだな~ (#1300 only)
Akiru-chan is known as the cool beauty of the group, but she's actually surprisingly kind~
Tapping the Character
Oh, do you have something you want to talk to Onee-chan about?
I'll scold you if you do that!
ストーリーを見てみよう~♪ (When there are unread stories)
Let's go read stories~ ♪
ライブができるみたいだよ~ (When there are new live stages)
It looks like we can do a live~