Kikkawa Mizuki
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 吉川瑞希
- Former School: Shinonome Academy
- Year: Third
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 167cm
- Three Sizes: B80 / W58 / H82
- Birthday: October 20 (Libra)
- Hobbies: Playing basketball
- Main Attribute: Smile
Kikkawa Mizuki [Normal #25] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2710 | 1100 | 980 | ||
Above: Prior to April 30, the name on the card read "Kikkawa Mizuki" instead of "Mizuki Kikkawa". The old versions of the card are displayed below.
Kikkawa Mizuki [Normal #471] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 1150 | 890 | 2790 | ||
Above: Added on November 30, 2014.
Kikkawa Mizuki [Normal #635] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 1130 | 2830 | 910 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the SMILING! event.
Kikkawa Mizuki [Normal #884] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2870 | 870 | 1170 | ||
Above: Added on May 31, 2016.
Kikkawa Mizuki [Normal #1466] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 880 | 1160 | 2910 | ||
Above: Added on February 28, 2018.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 19 event.
Kikkawa Mizuki [Normal #2348] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 900 | 2950 | 1140 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 22 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#25) |
Mizuki: Yo! I'm Kikkawa Mizuki. I'm aiming for a spot in the inter-high school basketball tournament!
Wasting Your Life Away (#471) |
Mizuki: Hey, long time no see! I hope you haven't caught a cold since it's so cold.
Even Without Millet Dumplings (#635) |
Mizuki: Man, I'm nervous. Even though it's a children-oriented event, I wasn't expecting us to put on a play.
I Glad I Was Tricked (#884) |
Mizuki: Oh! ♪ Heading home?
Something Strange on the Way Home (#1466) |
Mizuki: Good work~! Sorry, today's club activities ended later than expected.
Home Screen
見たか!あたしのボールさばき! (#25 only)
Did you see my ball handling skills!?
目指せインターハイ!あれ…違う? (#25 only)
Aim for the inter-high tournament! Wait... wrong goal?
努力だった負けないよ~!? (#25 only)
I won't lose in the effort department~!
優理のギターって聴いたことある? すごいんだよ、ビックリしたもん! (#471 only)
Have you listened to Yuuri play the guitar? It's amazing. I was totally surprised!
いくら気合いが入ってても、練習しすぎは禁物だよ。無理はしないこと! (#471 only)
No matter how hyped up you are about something, you should never over-practice. Don't overdo it!
うちの部って、ほわほわ~ってした感じの子が多いよね! 守りたくなっちゃうよ (#471 only)
Our club has a lot of girls that give off a sort of fuzzy feeling! It makes me want to protect them.
新しいバッシュを買ったんだ~ 使ってるうちになじんでいくのがいいんだよね! (#635 only)
I bought a new pair of basketball shoes~ It's great getting accustomed to them while using them!
体力テストの結果、どうだった?苦手なところがあったら一緒に練習しようよ! (#635 only)
How did your physical strength test go? Let's practice together if there's anything you did badly in!
紗菜はヒロイン役がいいって文句言ってるけど……桃太郎のヒロインっておばあさんじゃないか? (#635 only)
Sana's complaining about how she wants to be the heroine... but isn't the heroine of Momotarou an old lady?
シュートのフォームが綺麗になると嬉しい♪ ステージパフォーマンスにも活かせるかな? (#884 only)
It'd be great if my shooting form becomes even better. I wonder if I could make use of it in stage performances.
資質みたいなのはよく分かんないけど、根性なら結構あるよ! (#884 only)
I don't know much about talents or anything, but I've got plenty of willpower!
今度3on3の大会に出るんだ。絶対優勝するぞーーーっ! (#884 only)
I'm playing in the upcoming 3-on-3 tournament. We'll definitely win!
毎日練習してたら、気づかないうちに上達してるもんだよ。諦めずに頑張ろう! (#1466 only)
If you practice every day, you'll get better without even realizing it. Don't give up!
ココと優理はいつも一緒にいるんだよ。……って、知ってるか (#1466 only)
Coco and Yuuri are always together... Did you know that?
スクールアイドルもスポーツみたいなもんだよね! (#1466 only)
Being a school idol is just like playing a sport!
Tapping the Character
Whoa! That scared me!
What, what? Did something happen?
ほらほら、ストーリーストーリー! (When there are unread stories)
Come on, come on! Story, story!
よーしライブだ!一本集中! (When there are new live stages)
It's a live! Let's focus!