Kirihara Yuuka

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Character Profile

  • Japanese Name: 桐原優香
  • Former School: Touou Academy
  • Year: Second
  • Blood Type: A
  • Height: 158cm
  • Three Sizes: B86 / W57 / H83
  • Birthday: April 2 (Aries)
  • Hobbies: Reading aloud
  • Main Attribute: Pure


Kirihara Yuuka [Normal #76]
Yuuka pure n76.jpg Yuuka pure n76 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 4 590 1800 810

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on May 16, 2013.

Kirihara Yuuka [Normal #427]
Yuuka cool n427.jpg Yuuka cool n427 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 4 500 860 1880

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 13 event.

Kirihara Yuuka [Normal #485]
Yuuka smile n485.jpg Yuuka smile n485 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 4 1920 840 520

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Nico-nii no Himitsu Sokutei ♡ event.

Kirihara Yuuka [Normal #1111]
Yuuka pure n1111.jpg Yuuka pure n1111 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 4 850 1960 510

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 7 event.

Kirihara Yuuka [Normal #1279]
Yuuka cool n1279.jpg Yuuka cool n1279 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 4 860 500 2000

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on August 31, 2017.

Kirihara Yuuka [Super Super Rare #1721]
Yuuka pure ssr 1721.png Yuuka pure ssr1721 t.png Max Level: 90
HP: 4 3000 4230 3940

Appeal: Rhythmical Yell
For every 17 combo, there is a 36% chance to recovering player HP by 1. (Level 1)

Center Skill: Pure Energy
Increases Pure points by 4%.

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Mata aeru ki ga suru karasa event.

Side Stories

Self-Introduction (#76)

Yuuka: I'm Kirihara Yuuka, a second year!

Yuuka: I'm a member of the broadcasting club and responsible for the daily announcements during lunch.

Yuuka: Have you heard that everyone thinks my announcements are very clear and easy to understand?

Yuuka: I've never had to do something in front of others before,

Yuuka: but I wanted to meet lots of new people and so I tried being a school idol!

Yuuka: I'll do my best to help increase the number of people who come to watch us! ♪

Welcome to the Exhibition! (#427)

Yuuka: Mm, delish! Kagoshima's sweet potatoes are amazing~ ♡

Yuuka: Ah, hey there! ♪ Would you like a sweet potato too?

Yuuka: Starting today for one week, we're holding an exhibition of products from Kagoshima. Luckily for me, I was asked to help out. ♪

Yuuka: I looked into the Kagoshima dialect... How was I?

Yuuka: It's a bit different from what school idols normally do, but it'd be great if people come to appreciate Kagoshima more as a result!

Yuuka: ...Ah!

Yuuka: W-We meet again! Umm, I received some potatoes as thanks for helping out... Would you like to join me?

Yuuka: It's embarrassing being seen like this... but Kagoshima's sweet potatoes are just too delish! ♪

On a Snowy Night (#485)

Yuuka: "Thank you very much for coming to our special Christmas school idol concert. ♪"

Yuuka: "We find great joy in being able to sing for all of you on this snowy day. Please enjoy...!"

Yuuka: Haa, haa... Sorry for making you wait!

Yuuka: Thanks for coming to our performance today. ♪ I could see your face clearly from the stage.

Yuuka: Huh? Why was I responsible for the emceeing?

Yuuka: Hehe, yeah, I'm a member of the broadcasting club too, so I'm used to giving speeches like that... I figured I'd take care of the emceeing because of that.

Yuuka: It probably wasn't all that professional, but school idols derive real pleasure from delivering a performance together.

Yuuka: My resolution for the New Year is to do by the myself the things that I'm capable of doing! I'll contact you again once the New Year begins. ♪

Broadcasting Club News (#1111)

Yuuka: "We still have many more topics to talk about." ...Hmm, how does that sound?

Yuuka: Ah, hello. ♪ I'm writing the script for the broadcasting club. Tomorrow during lunch, I wanted to let people know about our performance.

Yuuka: But there's a lot I have to think about. I want people to be interested in our activities, but the broadcasting club probably wants to be more neutral about things...

Yuuka: Hmm? My opinions of that day's concert? It was... absolutely amazing!

Yuuka: Thank you so much for today! We'd love it if our performance remained within your hearts. ♪♪

Yuuka: Wow, everyone's smiles are so brilliant... What do I do? I'm so happy right now... This is so much fun...!

Yuuka: Yes... My heart was filled with feelings of fun and happiness. I want to let everyone know about it.

Yuuka: I think... I'll go ahead and let everyone in the broadcasting club know my honest feelings. Please listen to tomorrow's broadcast if you get the chance. ♪

When I Put on My Outfit (#1279)

Yuuka: The outfits that everyone made are finally done! What do you think about them?

Yuuka: They look good...? Hehe, it gives me peace of mind when you say that. Would you like to try it on too?

Yuuka: Every time a new outfit is complete, we always try them on... Putting an outfit on for the first time always makes my heart race.

Yuuka: "Do I look cute in it?" Thoughts like those... But I think those nervous feelings are working in the right direction.

Yuuka: "It looks better on me than I thought it would. ♪" "I can't go out in front of everyone like this~" Both cases happen.

Yuuka: From the time I first try on an outfit to the day of our concert, I try my best during my lessons to make sure I look my best in it.

Yuuka: When that happens, I ask Himeno-chan to help me come up with a training regimen. She's always so reliable. ♪

Yuuka: I want to put as much effort as I can into my singing and dancing so that I'm worthy of the outfit. I'll do my best!


Home Screen

よろしくおねがいします (#76 only)
Nice to meet you.

こうやってお話しするの、楽しいです (#76 only)
Talking like this is fun.

私がご案内しますね♪ (#76 only)
Let me lead the way. ♪

私が担当しているお昼の放送に、スクールアイドルのコーナーを作ったんです♪ (#427 only)
I'm in charge of the lunchtime broadcast, so I added a school idol segment to it. ♪

本日の放送は、桐原優香がお伝えいたしました♪良い一日をお過ごしくださいね (#427 only)
Today's broadcast was brought to you by Kirihara Yuuka. ♪ Have a nice day.

ふみちゃんと動物園の爬虫類館に行ったんです。カメレオンに詳しくなったかも♪ (#427 only)
I went to the reptile exhibit at the zoo with Fumi-chan. I think I know a lot about chameleons now. ♪

いつも会いに来てもらっていますから……今度は私から会いに行きたいんです (#485 only)
You always come to see me... so this time I came to you.

もう、風ちゃん! 冬は上着くらい着てください~っ (#485 only)
Geez, Fuu-chan! At least put on a jacket in the winter~!

見てください、天使の衣装♪ クリスマスも近いですし、気分も上がりますね (#485 only)
Look, it's an angel's outfit. ♪ Christmas is approaching, and I'm getting excited.

練習をしていると、1日があっという間に終わってしまうんです。不思議ですね (#1111 only)
When I'm practicing, the day goes by in the blink of an eye. It's strange.

会えないときは電話でもいいですから、あなたの声を聞かせてくださいね♪ (#1111 only)
When we can't meet up, please call me. I want to hear your voice. ♪

本日の放送は桐原優香が担当します。皆さんの心に、私の声が届いたら嬉しいです♪ (#1111 only)
Today's broadcast is brought to you by Kirihara Yuuka. It'd be great if my voice could reach everyone's hearts. ♪

今日はダンスレッスンです。前よりも綺麗に踊れるようになりたいです! (#1279 only)
We have dance lessons today. I want to be able to dance more beautifully than I did before!

お昼の放送で流す曲を校内で募集しているんです。よかったら、あなたも応募してくださいね♪ (#1279 only)
We're taking suggestions for what songs to broadcast to the whole school during lunch. If you'd like, please give some recommendations! ♪

夏の定番ナンバーを揃えました。楽しい夏のひとときをお楽しみください♪ (#1279 only)
I gathered all of the regular summer hits. Please enjoy a period of summer fun. ♪

Tapping the Character

Yes, please state your request!

Teasing people isn't good, you know~


ストーリーを進めてみてはいかがでしょうか? (When there are unread stories)
What do you think about progressing the story?

今はライブがおすすめです♪ (When there are new live stages)
I recommend a live right now.