Takamagahara Mutsuki
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 高天原睦月
- Former School: Shion Girls Academy
- Year: First
- Blood Type: AB
- Height: 148cm
- Three Sizes: B69 / W53 / H70
- Birthday: January 25 (Aquarius)
- Hobbies: Tinkering with machinery
- Main Attribute: Pure
Takamagahara Mutsuki [Normal #160] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 870 | 2040 | 490 | ||
Above: Added on September 30, 2013.
Takamagahara Mutsuki [Normal #477] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 400 | 920 | 2120 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 1 event.
Takamagahara Mutsuki [Normal #662] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2160 | 900 | 420 | ||
Above: Added on August 15, 2015.
Takamagahara Mutsuki [Normal #1056] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 420 | 2200 | 900 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Ganbaru Hito wa Suteki event.
Takamagahara Mutsuki [Normal #1210] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 900 | 420 | 2240 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 17 event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 11 event.
Takamagahara Mutsuki [Normal #2366] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 2280 | 420 | 900 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the I'll save you! event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction? (#160) |
Mutsuki: Muahaha! Welcome to Takamagahara Laboratories! Are you interested in my research~?
The Trail Today (#477) |
Mutsuki: Muahaha! It's been a while since you've last visited~ ♪ Did you need something from my Takamagahara Laboratories?
Experiments Are Fun! (#662) |
Mutsuki: Muahaha! Welcome to Takamagahara Laboratories, poolside branch!
Dreams Are Limitless (#1056) |
Mutsuki: Hmm, it's you, huh? I'm in the middle of making some final adjustments to the outfit, so give me a minute.
Robot Poem (#1210) |
Mutsuki: I am a robot. I don't have a name yet, but my dream is to be a school idol and to take over the world... Oh.
Home Screen
当研究所には吾輩の他に、兵藤さゆり軍曹が所属している。むふふ、どう考えても最強なのである (#160 only)
Apart from me, Sergeant Hyoudou Sayuri is a member of our laboratory. Hehe, no matter how you look at it, we can't be defeated.
なんか余ってる機械とかないかな~?機械さわってないと死んじゃうのだ~ (#160 only)
I should go fiddle with some leftover machinery~ If I don't touch any, I'll die~
カッカッカッ!今日も実験日和!当然お前さんにも付き合ってもらうぞ? (#160 only)
Muahaha! It's another perfect day for research! Of course, you're coming with me.
今日は、スクールアイドルを見るとニコニコしちゃう理由を探っているぞ (#477 only)
Today, I'm searching for the reason behind why people end up smiling whenever they see school idols.
さゆり軍曹見なかった? どこに行っちゃったのかな~ (#477 only)
Have you seen Sergeant Sayuri? I wonder where she went~
むふふっ。クリスマスの後で、お前さんにもプレゼントをあげるからね (#477 only)
Hehehe. I'll be giving you a present too after Christmas.
スクールアイドルロボットを制作中なのだ。かわいいぞっ (#662 only)
I'm in middle of making a school idol robot. It's cute!
ん……そこのドライバー取ってくれる?ありがとー (#662 only)
Hmm... Could you pass me that screwdriver? Thanks.
我が部は問題児が多い?カッカッカッ!個々の生き方を尊重ってことなのだ (#662 only)
Our club has a lot of problem children? Muahaha! We just respect one another's ways of life.
スクールアイドルロボットの開発も終盤楽しみにしてくれたまえなのだ (#1056 only)
We're nearing the completion of the school idol robot. Look forward to it.
サバゲ部には、吾輩の代わりにショットくん七号が参加してるのだ。むふふ、強いぞ♪ (#1056 only)
Shot-kun Mk. VII will be helping out the survival game club in my stead. Hehehe, he's a strong one. ♪
あっ、壁のボタンをさわると爆発しちゃうぞ……むぎゃーっ (#1056 only)
Ah, if you touch the button on the wall, it'll explode... Mugyaa!
むふふ。勉強よりも大切なことがあるだろう? (#1210 only)
Muahaha, isn't there something more important than studying?
スクールアイドルロボットにダンスを教えているぞ。ガンバレなのだ (#1210 only)
I'm teaching the school idol robot how to dance. Keep it up.
さゆり軍曹が戦いのフィールドに赴くときは、吾輩もついていくぞ (#1210 only)
When Sergeant Sayuri goes out to the battlefield, I go with her.
Tapping the Character
Oh? I never thought you'd show such interest in our plans!
Muahaha! Why don't we take you to a utopia!?
うむむむ。感情をベースとした曖昧なデータには疎いのだ…… (When there are unread stories)
Hmm, I'm not too familiar with ambiguous data based on emotions...
むふーっ。ライブの時間だ!データ更新はお任せアレ~ (When there are new live stages)
Okay, it's time for a live! I'll leave updating the data to you~