Character Profile
- Japanese Name: クリスティーナ
- Former School: Shinonome Academy
- Year: Third
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 161cm
- Three Sizes: B84 / W58 / H85
- Birthday: January 21 (Aquarius)
- Hobbies: Cat's cradle
- Main Attribute: Pure
Christina [Normal #8] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 640 | 1590 | 610 | ||
Christina [Normal #333] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 1680 | 720 | 520 | ||
Above: Added on June 15, 2014.
Christina [Normal #678] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 550 | 680 | 1730 | ||
Above: Added on September 15, 2015.
Christina [Normal #904] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 530 | 1770 | 700 | ||
Above: Added on June 30, 2016.
Christina [Normal #1194] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 1810 | 530 | 700 | ||
Above: Added on May 15, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 6 event.
Christina [Normal #2076] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 690 | 540 | 1850 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 12 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#8) |
Christina: Hello, my name is Christina. I come from Trento, Italy.
Fulfilling Days (#333) |
Christina: Chris here. Long time no see. ♪ How have you been?
A Ninja? Or... (#678) |
Christina: Kasane-san? Does this outfit fit me...?
The Basis of Soothing (#904) |
Christina: Hmm, it would be best if I could move directly from the Tokyo Tower to the Skytree...
Balancing Your Mind and Body (#1194) |
Christina: Haa, haa... Fuu... There's our running goal for today.
To See You Smile (#1589) |
Christina: Thank you so much for coming to our club again today! It's a lot more fun when you're here.
Christina: Oh... But you don't look so well. Are you sure you're not tired? I'll make you some tea, so just relax for a while. Christina: Thank goodness. You're looking much better. Christina: You've been coming to club events so much recently. Are you sure that isn't putting a strain on you? I know how much of a hard worker you are. Christina: I'll miss not being able to see you as often, but your health is more important. I'm worried about you. So please... Christina: What? It's no big deal? I'm just exaggerating?! Christina: Oh, yes, of course! I'm just being silly about nothing! Christina: Oh, is that a smile I see? Hee hee, I love that smile of yours. Let's take a break for today. We'll need enough energy to keep working hard tomorrow. |
Home Screen
ふふ、お日様が気持ちいいですね (#8 only)
Hehe, Mr. Sun feels nice, doesn't he?
一緒にお祈りをしましょう♪ (#8 only)
Let's pray together. ♪
今日も素敵な一日にしましょうね♪ (#8 only)
Let's have another great day. ♪
言葉を交わさなくても、伝わる想いってありますよね (#333 only)
Some feelings can be conveyed even without words.
遙さんと彼方さんに『あやとり』を教えていただきました。お二人ともとても器用なんです (#333 only)
I taught Haruka-san and Kanata-san how to play cat's cradle. Both of them are very skilled.
ヒモをこうして……こうすると、ほら。亀さんになりました。ここから飛行機も作れますよ♪ (#333 only)
You take the string... and do this. There, I made a turtle. You can make an airplane from this too. ♪
おはようございます♪ 今日は図書館に行くのですが、よかったら一緒にいかがですか? (#678 only)
Good morning. ♪ I'm heading to the library. Would you like to come with me?
部活も好きなのですが、部活が終わった後に全員で帰路につく時間がとても好きなんです (#678 only)
I like club activities, but I like the time we spend going home together even more.
最近はお裁縫の練習をしています。少しでも衣装作りの助けになればと…… (#678 only)
I've been practicing sewing lately. I'd like to help with making outfits, even a little...
新しい歌詞を考えているところです。伝えたい想い……それを一番に考えたいです (#904 only)
I've been trying to come up with new lyrics. The feelings that I want to convey... are on my mind the most.
遙さんと彼方さんにはいつもよくしていただいて……保健室の常連さんになってしまいそうです♪ (#904 only)
Haruka-san and Kanata-san always treat me well... I think I might become a regular at the infirmary. ♪
あやとりは初めてですか? では、ぱっちんほうきの作り方から♪ (#904 only)
It's your first time playing cat's cradle? Let's start with the witch's broom then. ♪
今日も1日頑張りましょう♪ 私も応援しています! (#1194 only)
Let's give it our all again today. ♪ I'll be there to cheer for you too!
ときには悩むこともありますが……心の中にもう正解はあるのかもっ、て。そう思います (#1194 only)
There are times when I'm troubled over something... but I feel like I know the answer in my heart.
休日はココさんと福祉施設のお手伝いをしてきました。わずかな力ですが……頑張ります♪ (#1194 only)
I helped out at the community center with Coco-san over the holidays. I didn't play a huge role... but I did my best. ♪
Tapping the Character
Is something the matter?
Would you like to make a confession?
ストーリーを見てみませんか? (When there are unread stories)
Would you like to read the story?
ライブが出来るそうですよ♪ (When there are new live stages)
We can do a live. ♪