Hasekura Kasane
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 支倉かさね
- Former School: Shinonome Academy
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: O
- Height: 161cm
- Three Sizes: B84 / W57 / H80
- Birthday: December 12 (Sagittarius)
- Hobbies: Cosplaying
- Main Attribute: Smile
Hasekura Kasane [Normal #22] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2560 | 1040 | 730 | ||
Hasekura Kasane [Normal #191] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 1110 | 2630 | 630 | ||
Above: Added on November 30, 2013.
Hasekura Kasane [Normal #676] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 1050 | 690 | 2670 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 7 event.
Hasekura Kasane [Normal #1128] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2710 | 690 | 1050 | ||
Above: Added on February 15, 2017.
Hasekura Kasane [Normal #1167] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 690 | 2750 | 1050 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Touring Rally Round 1 event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 20 event.
Hasekura Kasane [Normal #2398] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 680 | 1060 | 2790 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 43 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#22) |
Kasane: I'm Hasekura Kasane, a second year!
A Red-Nosed...? (#191) |
Kasane: Merry Christmas! ♪ It's been a while since we last met! ♪
Fate! (#676) |
Kasane: Hey! ♪ I just felt like seeing you today~
I've Improved! (#1128) |
Kasane: Why hello there! ♪ You came to see me!? I'm so glad!
Conversations Between Us (#1167) |
Kasane: Oh! ♪ You came to check up on my lessons again today? You sure are diligent~
Home Screen
おー、中々いい感じだね♪ (#22 only)
Oh, looking good there. ♪
よーし、いつでもいけるよ (#22 only)
Ready anytime you are.
ほらほら、気を抜かずにいくよ~ (#22 only)
Come on now, don't slack off~
今度キミの身体採寸させてよ。悪いようにはしないって~ (#191 only)
Let me take your measurements next time. I promise I won't do anything to you~
やっ♪寒いけど練習頑張ってよ。あったかい紅茶あげるからさ (#191 only)
Whew! ♪ It's cold, but keep practicing. I have some hot tea ready for you.
支倉かさね、今日もファイトで行きまーす!キミも早くついておいでよ! (#191 only)
Hasekura Kasane will give it her all today too! You should hurry up and come along!
衣装を作るのが好きなんだ。いっそのこと、うちの制服作っちゃいたいよね! (#676 only)
I like making outfits. I'd much rather make my own uniform!
この間、他の学校の子にも会ったんだよ! 姫乃ちゃんと小雪ちゃん、かわいかったな~ (#676 only)
I met some girls from another school recently! Himeno-chan and Koyuki-chan were so cute~
クリスにあう衣装を考えてるんだよね。いっそ、全然違う路線でいってみる? (#676 only)
I've been thinking of outfits that would fit Chris. I should try going in a completely different direction.
制服も学生のコスプレだと思うとなかなか面白いよね!発想の転換は大事だな♪ (#1128 only)
It's interesting to think about school uniforms being cosplay for students! It's important to change your way of thinking sometimes. ♪
はい、チョコレート! へへ……なんかそういう気分だったからさ♪ (#1128 only)
Here, chocolate! Hehe... I was in that kind of mood. ♪
久しぶりにキミのボディを採寸しておこうかな! ちゃんと把握しておかないとね~っ (#1128 only)
It's been a while since I last took your measurements! It's important to have a grasp on those~
支倉かさね!今日も全力でいきまーすっ (#1167 only)
Hasekura Kasane here! I'll give it my all today too!
キミ!桜の木のコスプレとか興味ない?……ないのかあ! (#1167 only)
Hey! Are you interested in cosplaying as a cherry blossom tree? ...You're not!?
優理ちゃんが次はかっこいい衣装にしろって言ってる! かわいいの似合うんだけどな~♪ (#1167 only)
Yuuri-chan told me to make her next outfit a cool one! Cute ones suit her so well though~ ♪
Tapping the Character
Hey! I won't let you touch me that easily.
Hmm, so that's what you're going to do, huh?
ストーリー、見てみようよ♪ (When there are unread stories)
Let's read some stories. ♪
ライブ、やるんでしょ? (When there are new live stages)
Aren't we going to do a live?