Kurobane Sakura

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Character Profile

  • Japanese Name: 黒羽咲良
  • Former School: Shion Girls Academy
  • Year: First
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Height: 162cm
  • Three Sizes: B86 / W56 / H80
  • Birthday: April 4 (Aries)
  • Hobbies: Collecting dolls
  • Main Attribute: Cool


Kurobane Sakura [Normal #130]
Sakura cool n130.jpg Sakura cool n130 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 570 850 2080

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on August 15, 2013.

Kurobane Sakura [Normal #331]
Sakura pure n331.jpg Sakura pure n331 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 420 2190 930

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 9 event.

Kurobane Sakura [Normal #510]
Sakura smile n510.jpg Sakura smile n510 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 2230 440 910

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on January 15, 2015.

Kurobane Sakura [Normal #811]
Sakura cool n811.jpg Sakura cool n811 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 890 460 2270

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on February 15, 2016.

Kurobane Sakura [Normal #1381]
Sakura pure n1381.jpg Sakura pure n1381 t.jpg Max Level: 40
HP: 3 900 2310 450

Appeal: None

Center Skill: None

Above: Added on December 15, 2017.

Kurobane Sakura [Super Super Rare #2004]
Sakura cool ssr2004.png Sakura cool ssr2004 t.png Max Level: 90
HP: 4 2940 3920 4150

Appeal: Perfect Charm
For every 15 perfects, there is a 36% chance of increasing players score by 200 points. (Level 1)

Center Skill: Cool Energy
Increases Cool points by 4%.

Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 39 event.

Side Stories

Self-Introduction? (#130)

Sakura: Have you... seen my sister?

Sakura: Right...

Sakura: She's fighting an invisible enemy, but... I'm not interested.

Sakura: I like dolls more than invisible enemies... They're cute.

Sakura: This one said she wanted to be a school idol, so I also became one.

Sakura: I made a pink outfit that matches hers.

Sakura: ...It's cute.

Sakura: Make sure you give her your support too.

Does Nee-san Have an Umbrella? (#331)

Sakura: It's raining...

Sakura: Moisture is the enemy of all dolls... That's why I left mine at home.

Sakura: ...Even though I dislike moisture, I like the rain.

Sakura: I wonder if Nee-san has an umbrella with her.

Sakura: Recently, she's been trying on my clothes without my permission.

Sakura: ...If she'd just ask, I'd gladly help her look cute.

Sakura: ...She has some days where she acts all geeky, but I'm the only one who can call her that.

Sakura: I'm going to look for her... Goodbye.

Divine Punishment Will Fall upon Her (#510)

Sakura: Congratulations...

Sakura: I'm helping out at a shrine.

Sakura: They say that God is watching everything that you do, both the good things and the bad things.

Sakura: If you do bad things, then you'll incur His wrath.

Sakura: ...I don't know if that's true though.

Sakura: Have you seen Nee-san? She promised me that she'd help out here as well.

Sakura: Maybe she's still sleeping at home... Sleeping through the New Year's holidays is worthy of punishment.

Sakura: I'm going to bestow some divine punishment on her... See you later.

A New Outfit (#811)

Sakura: Oh, when did you come in? I was just changing into my new outfit.

Sakura: I'll be done soon, so give me a minute...

Sakura: I'm done. This is what it looks like. Thoughts?

Sakura: We all came up with the design together. I tried giving it a cooler feel so that it would match Nee-san...

Sakura: ...Yeah, we should match with this.

Sakura: I wish I could play dress up with her like I do with my doll.

Sakura: She doesn't care, so she puts on accessories in random places, cuts her bangs short, or puts on unmatching shoes...

Sakura: ...I'm getting worried, so I'm going to she how she's doing with her outfit. Later.

After the Concert (#1381)

Sakura: ...Thank you for coming to see us today.

Sakura: I'll get changed quickly, so give me a minute. Let's go home together.

Sakura: What did you think of the concert? ...Huh? I was cute?

Sakura: I'm happy when people tell Nee-san that... but it feels strange when someone tells me that.

Sakura: I'm boring, and I'm not cute at all. I'm well aware of that.

Sakura: Huh? You're not just flattering me?

Sakura: ............

Sakura: Sorry, I just don't know how to respond. But... it's embarrassing and my face is burning up.


Home Screen

……姉さん、新聞反対にもってる (#130 only)
...Nee-san really hates newspapers.

……ドール。見せてあげる (#130 only)
...I'll show you my doll.

姉さん……笑うと怖い…… (#130 only)
Nee-san... is scary when she smiles...

練習しないと、上手くならないよ (#331 only)
If you don't practice, you'll never get better.

睦月がドール作ったって言うから見にいったら、ロボットだった (#331 only)
Mutsuki said that she made a doll so I went to take a look, but it turned out to be a robot.

風紀委員の腕章が見えたら、すぐ逃げて…… (#331 only)
If you see someone wearing a disciplinary committee armband, run away immediately...

機関とかないから、姉さんの言うことは気にしなくていいよ (#510 only)
There isn't actually an organization or anything, so you don't have to worry about what Nee-san says.

かわいいものだけを見ていたい…… 好きな童話の中に入れたらいいのに (#510 only)
I only want to look at cute things... I wish I were in my favorite fairy tale.

ドールの名前? ……まだ秘密 (#510 only)
My doll's name? ...That's still a secret.

最近、さゆり軍曹とランニングしてる。軍曹は足が速いから、置いていかれちゃうけど (#811 only)
I've started running with Sergeant Hyoudou Sayuri. I always get left behind because she's so fast though.

ステージの間、ドール預かってて…… (#811 only)
I have someone look after my doll while I'm on stage...

アンティークの足踏みミシン……かわいい…… (#811 only)
An antique treadle sewing machine... How cute...

姉さん、ちゃんと暖かい格好してるかな。風邪ひきませんように…… (#1381 only)
I wonder if Nee-san is dressing warmly. I don't want her to catch a cold...

今度、うちの子に会いに来て。……ドールのことだよ (#1381 only)
Come see my child next time... I'm referring to my doll.

姉さんやドールに衣装を着せるのが好き。作ったりもするんだよ (#1381 only)
I like playing dress-up with Nee-san and my doll. I make the outfits sometimes too.

Tapping the Character

...Don't touch me.

I... let other people do my hair.


お話を読むのは好き…… (When there are unread stories)
I like reading stories...

ライブ……緊張…… (When there are new live stages)
A live... I'm nervous...