Character Profile
- Japanese Name: ジェニファー
- Former School: Y.G. International Academy
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 165cm
- Three Sizes: B90 / W58 / H80
- Birthday: May 12 (Taurus)
- Hobbies: Helping others
- Main Attribute: Smile
Jennifer [Normal #166] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2320 | 760 | 920 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 1 event.
Jennifer [Normal #253] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 990 | 2420 | 630 | ||
Above: Added on February 15, 2014.
Jennifer [Normal #557] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 970 | 650 | 2460 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Mitsumeteitai no Mainichi Anata wo event.
Jennifer [Normal #1139] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2500 | 970 | 650 | ||
Above: Added on February 28, 2017.
Jennifer [Normal #1446] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 640 | 2540 | 980 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 12 event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 15 event.
Jennifer [Normal #2158] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 650 | 970 | 2580 | ||
Above: Added on September 15, 2019.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction? (#166) |
Jennifer: Hey there~ ♪ I'm Jennifer. My favorite Japanese word is "seigi"! Justice!
Wouldn't It Be Too Sweet? (#253) |
Jennifer: Huh? Did you really put it in there?
Mini League Baseball Experience (#557) |
Jennifer: I'm here to help out for an event today. Are you here to participate in mini league baseball...?
This Is Justice (#1139) |
Jennifer: Took you long enough. The concert's about to start... I was waiting for you, you know. Come over here.
Everyone's Justice (#1446) |
Jennifer: Ah... That was great. ♪ Today's lessons were really fulfilling... It was amazing!
Home Screen
蘭花に渡されるチケット、餃子の値引き券かと思ったのに違うらしいの。何に使えるのかしら……? (#166 only)
Ranpha gave me this ticket and I thought it was a coupon for pot stickers, but I was wrong. How exactly do I use this...?
あら、ぼうっとしてどうしたの?暇なら私と一緒に練習しましょう! (#166 only)
Oh, why are you spacing out? If you're free, then help me practice!
たまには遊びに行く?みんなのこと呼んでくるわね。みんな一緒だったら絶対楽しいもの! (#166 only)
How about going on a trip with everyone once in a while? It'll definitely be fun if we're all together!
この間、『正義』って書いてあるTシャッツ買っちゃって……着たいんだけど、まだ勇気が出ないの (#253 only)
I bought a T-shirt with the word "justice" written on it... I really want to wear it, but I don't have the courage to yet.
エマとレオはたまに故郷の自然が懐かしくなるみたい。もっと外に連れて行ってあげたいな (#253 only)
Emma and Leo seem to miss their homes out in the wilderness sometimes. I want to take them outside more often.
『スクール』アイドルなんだから、ちゃんと学校の勉強もしないとダメよ? (#253 only)
We are school idols, so we have to be sure to study too.
今日は部室でレッスンよ! あとで迎えに行くからね (#557 only)
We've got lessons in the clubroom today! I'll come pick you up after.
最近は『正義』Tシャツをレッスン着にしてるわ。気合いが入るし、レッスンもはかどるの! (#557 only)
I've been using the "justice" T-shirt as my practice outfit lately. It pumps me up and I make good progress with my lessons!
ラクシャータと一緒にいると、すごくリラックス出来るの。この間のお花見も楽しかったわ (#557 only)
I feel really relaxed when I'm with Rakshata. It was fun when we went flower viewing.
今日はボイストレーニング! あなたも思いっきり声を出してみない? (#1139 only)
We've got vocal lessons today! Why don't you let your voice run free too?
ジャスティス!あ、ジャスティスは日本語で正義っていう意味で……って、知ってるわよね (#1139 only)
Justice! Ah, that's "seigi" in Japanese... though I guess you already knew that.
みんなでダンスパーティをしようと思ってるの。ちょっとだけおしゃれして……楽しそうでしょ? (#1139 only)
We were thinking of holding a dance party. We can all dress up a bit... Doesn't that sound fun?
ステージがはじまる前って……ゾクゾクする。最高の瞬間だわ! (#1446 only)
The time right before a concert... makes me so excited. It's the best!
仲良くなっても、言わなくちゃ分からないことってあるから…何でも言ってね? (#1446 only)
Even if two people are close, there are things that won't be understood unless they're said out loud... so feel free to tell me anything, okay?
たまにはみんなでケーキでも食べちゃう? (#1446 only)
We should all go have cake together sometime.
Tapping the Character
Is touching me really that fun? I don't really get it... but if you're enjoying it, then sure, I guess.
Jeez... Fawning on me doesn't mean that we're not practicing today, all right?
私たちのストーリーも、みんなの記憶に残るといいな (When there are unread stories)
It'd be great if everyone remembered our stories too.
さあ、ライブの時間よ。やるからには、いつも本気で全力で!! (When there are new live stages)
It's time for a live. Since I said I'd do it, I'm going to give it my all!