Tatara Ruu
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 多々良るう
- Former School: Chitose Bridge High School
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 152cm
- Three Sizes: B80 / W56 / H78
- Birthday: March 25 (Aries)
- Hobbies: Watching sports games
- Main Attribute: Pure
Tatara Ruu [Normal #23] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 730 | 2590 | 1010 | ||
Tatara Ruu [Normal #266] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 640 | 1050 | 2680 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 6 event.
Tatara Ruu [Normal #609] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 2720 | 1030 | 660 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 5 event.
Tatara Ruu [Normal #875] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 900 | 2760 | 790 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 25 event.
Tatara Ruu [Normal #1238] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 900 | 790 | 2800 | ||
Above: Added on July 15, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Touring Rally Round 10 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#23) |
Ruu: I'm... Tatara Ruu.
Go Home and Sleep (#266) |
Ruu: *munch* *munch*... Haa... Hina arare are so tasty.
We Might Be Similar, Now that I Think about It (#609) |
Ruu: A zashiki-warashi, huh...? I guess we're a bit similar.
My Battle Against Myself (#875) |
Ruu: Hello. You came to watch our performance, huh?
Wise Sayings of the Heart (#1238) |
Ruu: A-Ahh! Look out...!
Home Screen
あ、あの……いえ、なんでもないです…… (#23 only)
U-Umm... Never mind...
今日は何をしましょうか……? (#23 only)
What should we do today...?
別に……私はいいです (#23 only)
It's okay... I'm fine.
ステージに立つと顔が赤くなっちゃうんです。……朱美ちゃんに相談してみようかな (#266 only)
My face goes red whenever I go on stage... Maybe I should ask Akemi-chan for advice.
麗音ちゃんみたいに、ぶい♪ってかわいい仕草が出来るようになりたい……です (#266 only)
I want to be able to do cute actions like Reine-chan does...
ダンスのステップをノートにメモしてるんですが……なかなか現実は厳しいです (#266 only)
I write down the dance steps in my notebook, but... it's quite hard to do them in reality.
もっと元気よくなりたい…… (#609 only)
I want to be more energetic...
私、走るのだけは速くて……これを何かにいかせるといいんだけどな…… (#609 only)
I'm only fast when it comes to running... If only I had somewhere to run to...
お、重い…… 文絵ちゃんにオススメの漫画を借りたんですが……筋トレになりそうです (#609 only)
S-So heavy... I asked Fumie-chan for some manga suggestions... This feels more like weight training.
あ、おせんべい食べますか? かたいけど美味しいですよ (#875 only)
Ah, do you eat rice crackers? They're hard but delicious.
ふー……ステージ緊張するよー (#875 only)
Phew... Concerts are so nerve-wracking.
ダメだったら、とりあえず寝てから考えますね (#875 only)
If I can't figure something out, the first thing I do is sleep and then think about it after.
私だってやるときは……やるかなあ? (#1238 only)
Even I can do something when I try... I think?
失敗しちゃったな~もう帰って寝ますね (#1238 only)
I messed up~ I'm going to go home and sleep.
いるかちゃんの背中に乗って水上スキー……なんちゃって (#1238 only)
Water skiing on Iruka-chan's back... Just kidding.
Tapping the Character
Fua!? What's the matter?
What is it that you need me for...?
ストーリーを進めることができるみたいです (When there are unread stories)
It seems like you can progress in the story.
ライブ……しますか? (When there are new live stages)
Are we... going to do a live?