Midou Yuuri
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 御堂優理
- Former School: Shinonome Academy
- Year: First
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 164cm
- Three Sizes: B78 / W56 / H82
- Birthday: December 24 (Capricorn)
- Hobbies: Collecting accessories
- Main Attribute: Cool
Midou Yuuri [Normal #12] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 3 | 740 | 550 | 1820 | ||
Midou Yuuri [Normal #268] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 490 | 1900 | 800 | ||
Above: Added on March 15, 2014.
Midou Yuuri [Normal #696] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 1950 | 520 | 760 | ||
Above: Added on September 30, 2015.
Midou Yuuri [Normal #858] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 520 | 760 | 1990 | ||
Above: Added on April 15, 2016.
Midou Yuuri [Normal #1354] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 770 | 2030 | 510 | ||
Above: Added on November 15, 2017.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 7 event.
Midou Yuuri [Normal #2141] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 2070 | 770 | 510 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Kitto Dare mo ga Tooru Michi desu ne event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction (#12) |
Yuuri: The name's Midou Yuuri. Call me whatever you want.
I Was Fooled! (#268) |
Yuuri: Ugh... What is with this outfit?
Are These Necessary? (#696) |
Yuuri: Weird...
Coco Is Waiting (#858) |
Yuuri: Oh, long time no see. How have you been?
Coco Is Missing (#1354) |
Yuuri: Geez... She's late. Huh, you came?
Home Screen
さーて、おっぱじめようかな (#12 only)
All right, let's get started.
ほーら、やるんだろう?さっさとしな (#12 only)
Come on, you said you'd do it, right? Hurry up already.
おーおー、威勢がいいねー (#12 only)
Oh? You seem to be in high spirits.
参ったな……かわいいとか言わないでくれよ。頼むからさ (#268 only)
I'm begging you... Please don't say that I'm cute.
おー、そんな焦んなって。焦りすぎは失敗のものだ。どっしり構えていこーぜ (#268 only)
Slow down a bit. When you rush, you're bound to make mistakes. Be sure to think things through.
ライブってのはガツンと決まると、気持ちいいよな! (#268 only)
It feels great going all out during a live!
スクールアイドルがかわいくないといけないなんて、そんな決まりはないだろ? (#696 only)
There's no rule saying that you have to be cute to be a school idol, right?
歌いたいから歌う。踊りたいから踊る。そんだけあれば十分だよな (#696 only)
I sing because I want to. I dance because I want to. That's all you need.
何だこれ。下駄箱に手紙が入ってるぞ (#696 only)
What is this? There's a letter in my shoe box.
春は上着もいらないし、身も心も軽くなるよ (#858 only)
I don't need to wear a jacket in spring, which makes my body and heart feel lighter.
練習がめんどくさいって思うこともあるけど、練習しないで本番迎えるなんてイヤだもんな (#858 only)
There are times when I think lessons are a pain, but I don't want to go into the real thing without practice.
瑞希とバスケするんだ。あんたも来ないか? (#858 only)
I'm going to go play basketball with Mizuki. Do you want to come?
うだうだしてないで、さっさとやろーぜ。時間がもったいないだろ (#1354 only)
Stop dawdling and let's get going. We're wasting time like this.
おー。今日ヒマか? 帰りにココと衣装の小物買いに行くんだ (#1354 only)
Hey, you free today? I'm going with Coco to buy accessories for outfits today on the way home.
好きとか嫌いとかよく分かんねーんだよな (#1354 only)
I don't really have likes or dislikes.
Tapping the Character
What do you want?
Whoa! Hey, don't just touch me out of the blue!
ストーリー見られるみたいだぜ? (When there are unread stories)
Looks like there are some stories you can read.
ライブやるんじゃねーの? (When there are new live stages)
We're not going to do a live?