Kizaki Akira
Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 鬼崎アキラ
- Former School: Shion Girls Academy
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 164cm
- Three Sizes: B84 / W56 / H81
- Birthday: August 10 (Leo)
- Hobbies: Servicing bicycles
- Main Attribute: Smile
Kizaki Akira [Normal #91] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 1630 | 610 | 820 | ||
Above: Added on June 14, 2013.
Kizaki Akira [Normal #323] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 870 | 580 | 1690 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Hatsu Event wa Taihen!? event.
Kizaki Akira [Normal #603] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 850 | 1730 | 600 | ||
Above: Added on May 31, 2015.
Kizaki Akira [Normal #966] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 1770 | 900 | 550 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 13 event.
Kizaki Akira [Normal #1359] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 2 | 560 | 890 | 1810 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Friendly Match Round 2 event.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Tasukete agetai kono uta de event.
Kizaki Akira [Normal #2269] | |||||
Max Level: 40 | |||||
HP: 4 | 480 | 1850 | 870 | ||
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Medley Festival Round 23 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction? (#91) |
Akira: Oh, what's the problem?
Bikes Are the Best! (#323) |
Akira: Ah, what a coincidence! You're heading back now too? We can walk together for part of the way.
I'll Teach You Well (#603) |
Akira: Good work! How are you feeling?
Please Help (#966) |
Akira: Hey! Heading home?
My Partner! (#1359) |
Akira: The balance here looks good... The height is good... And so is the shine...
Home Screen
今日もいっちょ頑張るとしようか (#91 only)
Let's do our best today too.
や!おっはよう (#91 only)
Yo! Morning!
浮かない顔してるね。なんかあったのかい? (#91 only)
What's with the long face? Something bad happen?
ランニング? それなら、アタシが一緒に伴走してあげよ。がんばれ! (#323 only)
Running? If that's the case, I'll run beside you. Keep it up!
最近あっついなー。放課後、アイス食べに行こうよ。今日は豪華にトリプルで! (#323 only)
It's been getting really hot lately. Let's go get ice cream. I'm gonna go all out and get three scoops!
結架とさゆりと一緒に練習すると、生傷が絶えないんだよね。でも、燃えるよ (#323 only)
There's no end to the bruises when I practice with Yuuka and Sayuri, but it gets me fired up.
困ったことがあったら、いつでもおいでよ。話くらい聞くからさ (#603 only)
Come to me anytime if you have problems. I'll at least give them a listen.
ん、サングラス? ああ、道路の反射を防いでくれるんだよ。目にゴミも入らなくなるしね (#603 only)
Hmm, sunglasses? Oh, they're to protect against the light that gets reflected off the roads, and they help to prevent stuff from getting into my eyes.
機関の陰謀? また咲夜が妙なこと言ってるみたいだねえ (#603 only)
The Organization's conspiracy? Sakuya's saying weird things again.
一緒にストレッチやろうよ。身体がかたいと上手く動けないからねー! (#966 only)
Let's do some stretches together. You can't move your body if your muscles are tense!
風紀の乱れ? うちの学校は別にそういうのないけどなー (#966 only)
The disruption of public morals? I don't think there's much of that at our school.
ヒマならうちに寄ってきなよ。麦茶くらい出すし! (#966 only)
If you're free, come over to my place. I'll at least serve you tea!
うー……暗記科目は苦手なんだよなー (#1359 only)
Uu... I'm so bad at subjects where memorization is involved.
スクールアイドルの衣装っていいよな。アタシはまだ照れくさいんだけどね (#1359 only)
School idol outfits are great, though I still get embarrassed by them.
愛が風紀を作る? 何ソレ。面白そうだね~ (#1359 only)
Love brings about morals? What? That sounds interesting~
Tapping the Character
Even if you touch me, nothing interesting is going to happen.
What is it, what is it?
お、なんか面白い話があるみたいだよ (When there are unread stories)
Oh, it looks like there are some interesting stories.
ようし、そろそろライブをやってみよう (When there are new live stages)
Hey, we should try a live.