There are two main components to playing Love Live Festival: The Live Performances (rhythm game), and Building Units (card collecting game).
Love Live Performances
The nine members of your units are arranged in a semi-circular fashion with the center member at the bottom center portion of the screen. "Rhythm Icons" (i.e. notes or beats) in the shape of outlined circles project from the center cluster of notes seen near the top of the screen. As these notes approach one of the members of the unit, the player presses down on the unit icon. Depending on how synchronized the beat is to the unit icon, the player will earn a rating of "Miss", "Bad", "Good", "Great", or "Perfect". There are several versions of rhythm icons:
- Normal: A simple outlined circle in the color representing the attribute of the song. Getting a "Bad" or a "Miss" on this note will reduce your HP by 1 or 2 respectively.
- Hold: A rhythm icon that must be held down. It appears like any other rhythm icon, except that there will be a trail of light following behind it. The player must hold the note down until a bright, filled circular icon is seen, and must release the note when the icon approaches the unit accordingly.
- Dual: Two rhythm icons that must be pressed down simultaneously. They will appear as an outlined circle with a horizontal bar in the middle of the circles.
- Starred: Appears in Normal or higher difficulty. Special rhythm icons which have a star in the center of the circle. Getting a "Good" or "Bad" on these notes will reduce your HP by 2; getting a "Miss" will reduce your HP by 4.
- Swing: Appears only in Master difficulty. This rhythm icon contains an arrow and the player must slide their finger across the chain of swing notes.
- Event Tokens: Appears during token collecting events only. There will be a different icon in the center (besides a star). Scoring a rating "Bad" or above on that note to obtain the token (i.e. If you miss the note, you miss the token). These tokens can then be used to play the event song. Note that if you fail the song, you lose the tokens you could have obtained.
In the performance stage, there are two bars on the top of the screen. The first bar represents the score and rank the player will earn based on the score. The second, shorter bar to the left of the screen is your HP bar. If the player perform poorly, the HP bar will be reduced. When the HP bar has been completely depleted, the player fails the performance and will asked if they wish to replay the stage for one loveca stone.
Special characters may also make appeals which can have different effects throughout stage gameplay. Check "Appeals" in the Card Collection section for more details.
Before a Performance
In order to play a song, the player needs to have enough Live Points (LP) available for them to play. Live Points are shown on the top right of the screen. Each song has an LP cost depending on the difficulty (Easy: 5; Normal: 10; Hard: 15; Expert/Master: 25). Also, you can choose to play songs at a higher LP cost (x2/x3/x4 the original LP cost of the song), giving you double/triple/quadruple the EXP/G/tokens/event points normally earned, depending on your LP cost multiplier. The R drop rates are also modified depending on the LP cost multiplier. However, it does not affect missions/goals (number of clears stays the same), nor kizuna/affection points, nor end of live show rewards. One LP will be restored every 6 minutes until the gauge reaches max. However, if a player ranks up, the LP gauge will be fully restored plus his/her remaining LP before leveling up. For example, if a player is at rank 100 (75 LP) and levels up to level 101 with 70 LP left, the LP gauge will refresh to 75 (max LP of rank 101) plus the remaining 70 LP, giving us 145 LP.
Additionally, during an event, there may be songs which require event tokens to use instead of LP. For these, you must collect tokens from playing other songs before you can play the event song. In return, LP is not used when playing an event song.
Upon selection of a song, a guest list will appear. Depending on the guest's center, the player's units may be boosted in certain stats, accordingly. Afterwards, the player is allowed to choose which unit group to use. Creating different unit groups specializing in certain stats is key to obtaining a high score in a song. Once the unit and guest has been selected, the live begins.
After a Performance
After playing a song, the player will gain rewards in the form of G, experience points, kizuna (TL Note: kizuna means bond), and cards. A higher difficulty (Easy/Normal/Hard/Expert, not the star rating) results in more G and experience points gained. Kizuna is based solely on the length of the combos achieved during the song. If the player fails to reach a C score ranking, then the amount of experience points and kizuna received is halved (rounded up).
The following table shows the amount of G received after a song:
Expert | Hard | Normal | Easy | |
S Score | 4500 | 3750 | 3000 | 2250 |
A Score | 3600 | 3000 | 2400 | 1800 |
B Score | 2400 | 2000 | 1600 | 1200 |
C Score | 1200 | 1000 | 800 | 600 |
None | 600 | 500 | 400 | 300 |
A maximum of three cards can be earned per song: one for clearing the song, one for obtaining a score trophy, and one for obtaining a combo trophy. One of the cards will be a level ranging from 1 to 13 (dependent on the star rating of the song and what score rank was obtained), while the others will be level 1. While these cards are usually Ns, it is possible to receive an R. It is purely by chance and not dependent on score or combo, but the higher the difficulty, the more likely it is to receive one.
The first live you complete each day will also net you 10000 G, 200 friend points, and 1 loveca stone.
Reward Boxes
On July 5th, 2016, Reward boxes were added with the update. At the end of each live, a gauge is filled depending on the score of obtained in the live performed. When the gauge fills, the box opens and various items are obtained. Afterwards another box appears and the gauge is reset.
For every live performance there are three sets of trophies, each ranging from C rank to S rank. The player receives a reward the first time the trophy is achieved. The categories are:
- Score: Overall score based on the song performance and the unit's stats. To obtain a high score, the player not only needs to play the song well but also have good unit members. See Scoring for more details.
- Combo: Max combo length. Unit members do not matter for this, only the ability to combo. In order to S rank, the player's combo must be equal to the number of notes in the song. Note that this is not necessarily a full combo; if the first note of the song is a hold note and the player achieves a Good or Bad on the start of it, but combos the rest of the song, then it is still considered an S combo.
- Clear: Number of times cleared, regardless of score or combo ability. The only requirement is to pass the song, making this trophy the easiest yet most tedious to obtain.
The requirements and rewards for the trophies are scaled based on difficulty, therefore obtaining all the trophies on an Easy rank song will not take as much effort, but the rewards will be much less.
Building Units
The essential building blocks of all units are the collectible cards. Each card represents an idol character and is associated with one of the three traits, as indicated by its color. A card's rank is represented by the vertical stars on the left side of the card. They represent the card's rarity and whether it has been transformed or not. In summary:- 1 Star: Normal, Untransformed
- 2 Stars: Normal, Transformed
- 3 Stars: Rare, Untransformed
- 4 Stars: Rare, Transformed
- 5 Stars: Super Rare, Untransformed
- 6 Stars: Super Rare, Transformed
- 7 Stars: Super Super Rare, Untransformed
- 8 Stars: Super Super Rare, Transformed
- 9 Stars: Ultra Rare, Untransformed
- 10 Stars: Ultra Rare, Transformed
In addition to the star indicators, The card also has the rarity of the card on the top left corner (N, R, SR, SSR, UR) as well as the transformed status on the bottom right (shaded for untransformed, unshaded for transformed). The bottom right of the card also indicates whether the unit member has reached max level and max kizuna.
Card Statistics
Each card has unique statistics which can affect your point score or your HP when playing a song. These stats are indicated as:
- レベル: Character level. Increasing level will increase Smile, Pure, Cool and HP stats.
- 経験値: Experience Points
- 絆: Kizuna (Bond)
- 体力: Health Points. More health points allows you to take more hits without failing the performance.
- スマイル: Smile Points
- ピュア: Pure Points
- クール: Cool Points
- スクールアイドルスキル: School Idol Skills. Black indicates currently available (unfilled) slots, gray indicates unlockable slots
- 特技: Character Special Appeals.
- センタースキル: Center Skill, activated when the character is in the center of the unit. The center skill will give a stat boost to two of the traits represented by the card chosen, as well as other players' units when selected to be a "Guest" prior the performance.
Kizuna is the bonding between the character and the unit group and player. Kizuna is increased through playing Live performances with the character. After the Live performance, a certain amount of Kizuna based on the length of your combos throughout the song is distributed evenly throughout the unit members that do not have max kizuna (the center gains more than the others). Once kizuna has reached max on a transformed character, a side story will be unlocked. Reading the side story will give the player 20000 G and 1 loveca stone, and allows them to learn a little bit about the character they used.
Kizuna also has an effect on bonus boosts when beginning the live. The point boost is the same amount of kizuna points the character has, with the attributes of the points being the same as the attribute of the character. See Scoring for more details.
The amount of kizuna gained from a certain combo string is determined by the following formula:
K = floor(C / 10) + floor(max(0, C - 200) / 10) + 4 * floor(C / 50) - floor(max(0, C - 200) / 50) + 5 * floor(C / 100)
where C is the length of the combo string. In other words:
- +1 for every 10 notes that is not a multiple of 50 and under 200
- +2 for every 10 notes that is not a multiple of 50 and over 200
- +5 for every 50 notes that is not a multiple of 100
- +10 for every 100 notes
The total amount of kizuna gained from a live performance is equal to the sum of all K
from all combo strings. As an example, if you played 僕らのLIVE 君とのLIFE on hard, which has 181 notes, and full comboed it, simply plug in C = 181
, resulting in the total kizuna gained being 35. On the other hand, if you got one Good on, say, the 110th note, and ended up getting two combo strings, one of length 109 and one of length 71, the total kizuna gained would be K(C = 109) + K(C = 71) = 23 + 11 = 34
All character cards with rarity "R" and up have skills that may activate during the course of a live performance. Most skills fall into three main categories: increasing the player's score, recovering the player's HP, or turning Goods and Greats into Perfects for a set amount of time (this wiki uses the term "Perfect Lock" to refer to this skill). Activation of the skill is based on a percent chance once a certain condition is satisfied and varies from character to character. The condition is usually either when a certain multiple of a combo is reached (for example, every 10 combo would mean there is a chance of activating once 10 combo, 20 combo, 30 combo, etc. is reached), when a certain number of Perfects has been reached (for example, every 15 Perfects), after a certain number of notes have been spawned (for example, every 20 notes) or after a set amount of time has passed (for example, every 8 seconds).
- School Idol Skills were added July 5th, 2016 and allows players to further boost their characters' skills and stats depending on the School Idol skills used. The number of total slots and unlocked slots for School Idol skills varies depending on the rarity of the card, and the locked slots can be unlocked through special lessons. The following table indicates how many slots total are available for each rarity and how many are initially unlocked:
Rarity Initial Maximum N 0 1 R 1 2 SR 2 4 SSR 3 6 UR 4 8 Promo R 1 1 Promo SR 1 1 Promo UR 2 2
Unit Selection
Creating a team of members is simple enough. There are 7 units the player can make (labeled A through G) and to add or exchange a member, simply select the slot and choose the member one wishes too add. There are also a few options that make unit building easier:
- 配置を変更: Switch the order of the members in a unit.
- ユニット名変更: Change the unit's name.
- 自動編成: Auto-create a unit. This is the best option for making new units. The player may optimize based on the following parameters:
- 属性: Sort by Optimal Trait
- 特技: Filter out specific special appeal skills: Scoring skills, Perfect lock skills, Healing skills, or None
- Type: Filter by particular groupings: None, μ's, Aqours, school year, subunits
- メインに決定: Set current unit to be the main unit. The center of the main unit is the character that friends will see when choosing a guest for their live.
The Lessons option (練習) in the club activities menu allows the player to level up a character of your choice. After selecting a member to level, a new screen will appear that has 12 slots. For these 12 slots, the player can choose up to 12 other members to use as training partners, which are converted into experience points for the character leveling up. The amount of experience gained depends on the cards' rarity, level, and attribute. Using a card of the same attribute as the card being leveled results in 1.2 times the number of experience points compared to if their attributes were different. These character cards will disappear forever, so be sure to choose who to convert to experience points carefully!! After leveling up, the character's stats will improve. In general, only the stats in smile, pure, and cool will increase after leveling; however, if the player levels a transformed card past its max level when it was untransformed, it also gains 1 more HP.
There are three possible outcomes when converting the cards to experience point: Success, Super Success and Ultra Success. Success is the most common of the three and the other two happen at random. The outcome determines the multiplier on the number of experience points gained as seen on the screen when choosing the cards to convert: Success is 1.0x, Super Success is 1.5x and Ultra Success is 2.0x.
It is also possible to level skills. Currently the only known way of doing so with 100% success rate is to have the card you want to increase the skill level of train with another card with the exact same skill at the same or higher skill level. For example, if you have a card with Perfect Charm at level 2, in order to increase the skill to level 3 with 100% certainty, you must have feed it another card that also has Perfect Charm at level 2 (or higher). If you feed it a card with a lower level skill of the same type, there is a chance that the skill level will not increase. Training with different skills will have no effect on level at all.
The total amount of experience points required to take a card from level 1 up to its soft and hard level caps are shown below.
Rarity | Level | Total Experience |
N | 30 | 4475 |
40 | 8000 | |
R | 40 | 6725 |
60 | 13500 | |
SR | 60 | 23803 |
80 | 36800 | |
SSR | 70 | 39939 |
90 | 56657 | |
UR | 80 | 59408 |
100 | 79700 |
Special Lessons
In Special Lessons (特別練習) the player can convert two of the exact same card type into a new, "awakened" card. The method works similar to lessons in that the player chooses a (non-awakened) card, then chooses a second character of the same type to create a new character. The level and kizuna of the first chosen card, but not the second, is carried over to the new awakened card. For this reason, make sure the character with higher level and/or kizuna is in the first slot, not the second. After awakening, the new card will have a new max level cap and max kizuna cap. Maxing out kizuna on an awakened card will unlock its side story for that character.
- As of July 5th, 2016, cards may now be awakened through the use of seals. Awakening a card with seals requires one seal of of the same rarity, or multiple seals of lower rarity (1 UR seal = 5 SSR seals = 25 SR seals = 500 R seals).
- As of July 5th, 2016, Special Lessons also unlocks new slots for school idol skills. Awakening an unawakened card with the original card unlocks one slot (no slots are unlocked for awakening an unawakened card with seals). Further special lessons unlock two slots if the same card is used in the special lesson; one slot if seals are used in the special lesson.
Currency and Selling Cards
The option in purple below Special Lessons allows you to sell the card for money. Both Lessons and Special Lessons cost money to use. In the case of Lessons, the cost of converting other character cards to experience points is based on the converted cards' level and rarity. For special lessons, the cost is dependent on the character's rarity. If there is not enough money for the player to level or transform, they have the option of selling unwanted cards for cash and gain enough currency to do so.
The recruitment screen offers three ways of adding more members to your club: premium recruitment, regular recruitment, and voucher recruitment. The first two options are available on the first tab (普通勧誘) while the third is available on the second tab (補助チケット勧誘).
Premium Recruitment
This is the recruitment option shown on the top half of the screen on the first tab. Premium recruitment allows the player to draw 1 card at the cost of 5 loveca stones, or draw 11 cards for 50 loveca stones. Tickets (which are green in color) can also be used for one free draw (one ticket per draw), and are required to be used up before loveca stones can be spent. Only cards of rarity R or higher will appear. The heart meter below the recruitment options increments for every card drawn, and the player is awarded one voucher when the meter reaches its max (10 cards). In the case of insufficient space in the player's club, the cards are sent to the present box.
If the player draws 11 cards from a premium recruitment box, then he or she is guaranteed at least one card of rarity SR or higher.
As of July 31, 2014, only SR and UR cards added within the past six months will appear in regular premium recruitment. R cards are unaffected and are all able to be obtained through it.
During events, there are also special premium recruitment boxes. When present, players may move to the special recruitment screen via the arrows shown on the left and right sides of the screen. Only certain cards will appear in special premium recruitment depending on which campaign is currently active:
- Smile cards only
- Pure cards only
- Cool cards only
- μ's Specific:
- BiBi members only (Eli, Maki, Nico)
- lily white members only (Umi, Rin, Nozomi)
- Printemps members only (Honoka, Kotori, Hanayo)
- First-years only (Rin, Maki, Hanayo)
- Second-years only (Honoka, Kotori, Umi)
- Third-years only (Eli, Nozomi, Nico)
- Certain sets of cards as defined by KLab
The rules for recruitment are the same as premium recruitment with the exception of tickets; tickets cannot be used in special premium recruitment.
The current chances of getting a card of a specific rarity are as follows:
- R - 80%
- SR - 15%
- SSR - 4%
- UR - 1%
Note that the chances of drawing an SR card from a previous event is lower compared to regular SRs.
Below are the breakdowns of the specific card rates:
- The specific rates of R cards are divided evenly across all available cards to recruit.
- The specific rates of SR cards are divided into 2 groups: non-event SR cards and event SR cards. The rate of one specific event SR card is 1/5 the rate of one specific non-event SR card.
- The specific rates of SSR cards are divided evenly across all available cards to recruit.
- The specific rates of UR cards are divided evenly across all available cards to recruit.
- During the period when no event is active and new cards are introduced, there is an increased rate for new cards with rarity SR and above. New URs have a 40% chance to be recruited (divided evenly), and the remaining 60% chance will be filled with older URs. New SRs have a 15% chance to be recruited, and the remaining 85% will be filled with older SRs.
Regular Recruitment
This is the recruitment option shown on the bottom half of the screen on the first tab and costs 100 friend points for 1 card. Only cards of rarity N and R will appear. The maximum number of cards that can be drawn at a time is either equal to the free space in the club or 10 cards, whichever is lower.
The current chances of getting a card of a specific rarity are as follows:
- N - 95%
- R - 5%
Note that the chances of drawing an N card from a previous event is lower compared to regular Ns.
Below are the breakdowns of the specific card rates:
- The specific rates of R cards are divided evenly across all available cards to recruit.
- The specific rates of N cards are divided into 2 groups: non-event N cards and event N cards. The rate of one specific event N card is 1/2 the rate of one specific non-event N card.
Voucher Recruitment
Vouchers (which are blue in color) can be obtained in two ways: filling the meter shown under the buttons to draw from premium recruitment and reaching a rank that is a multiple of 20.
The first screen on the second tab allows the player to draw a card of rarity SR or higher. As with premium recruitment, the chances of drawing an SR card from a previous event is lower compared to regular SRs (the rate of one specific event SR card is 1/5 the rate of one specific non-event SR card). Depending on the number of vouchers you use, the chances of getting a card of a specific rarity change:
- 5 vouchers: 80% SR, 20% UR
- 10 vouchers: 80% SSR, 20% UR
- 25 vouchers: 100% UR
The second screen allows the player to draw a special support member card at the cost of one voucher. These cards can be used to increase the skill levels of cards of the same attribute and rarity. Purple support member cards may be used with cards of any attribute. If the attribute and/or rarity do not match, then they only serve to provide a small amount of experience points. The same rules for leveling skills applies in that to guarantee an increase in skill level, the skill level of the support member card must be equal to the skill level of the other card. Similarly, the skill level of the support member cards can be leveled by training it with cards that have the same skill name and level.
The current chances of getting a support member card of a specific rarity are as follows:
- R - 60%
- SR - 30%
- UR - 10%
Below are the breakdowns of the specific card rates:
- Each rarity has the ratio of 30%:30%:30%:10% for Smile, Pure, Cool, and All attributes of support member cards.
- For example, the chance to recruit R support member cards has the chance of 18%:18%:18%:6% for it to appear as Smile, Pure, Cool, or All attributes.
Other Game Aspects
Parts of the game not really pertaining to the previous two sections.
A player's rank determines their maximum LP, maximum number of friends, and which chapters of the story are playable. A bar at the top of most screens in the game shows the player's progress to the next rank. Once the bar is filled, the player's rank increases by 1 and their LP is completely replenished.
In general, for ranks 34 and higher, the approximate amount of experience required to rank up at a certain rank can be calculated using the following formula (halve this value for ranks under 100):
EXP = round(34.45 * rank - 551)
The LP cap starts at 25 and increases by 1 every even level until rank 300, after which it increases by 1 every third level. To calculate the maximum LP at a certain rank:
LP = 25 + floor(min(rank, 300) / 2) + floor(max(rank - 300, 0) / 3)
The maximum number of friends a player can have starts at 10 and increases by 1 every 5 ranks, up to rank 50, after which it increases by 1 every 10 ranks. To calculate the maximum number of friends at a certain rank:
Friends = 10 + floor(min(rank, 50) / 5) + floor(max(rank - 50, 0) / 10)
A player may add other players to their "friends" list for a few added bonuses. Other players can be added to the list if they played as a "Guest", or if their user ID is entered in through the "ID検索" option on the Friends menu. Once a player has been added as a friend, that player will always show up on the guests list when choosing a song. If a friend has not already been chosen for that day, then choosing a friend as a guest gives both players 10 friend points; afterwards selecting the same friend will give no friend points until the next day arrives. (Non-friends will give 5 friend points and after the song has completed, the player will be asked whether to send a friend request). The most useful aspect of having a friends list is that they will be on the list permanently, so even if no points are given after selecting them again, the player is still able select them; therefore, if the friend has a powerful center unit, the player will always be able to get the benefits of a large boosts to stats for their unit.
In addition to the friend point bonus, various news about the friend will pop up in the "News" section of the home menu, for example, when a friend has completed a story, acquired a Super Rare or Ultra Rare card, or achieved S trophies on Expert-level songs. The player is also able to view friends' main center, rank, and profile card in the friends list from the friends menu.
Events generally appear in the game twice per month. Typically, this will be announced in the updates and, during the period of the event, a small icon will appear below the notifications bulletin board.
Token Collecting Event
During the event, an event live stage will appear in the special stages section; in addition, new rhythm icons (from now on designated as tokens) will appear in all live stages except the event live stage. The player must collect these tokens from playing other songs in order to play the event live stage. The goal of the events is to collect as many event points as possible to receive prizes, especially the displayed SR card that the event is themed around. Each token collected nets the player 1 event point, whereas playing the event stage gives a significantly larger amount of event points (generally on hard, 200 points for clearing + combo bonus). In addition to prizes received when a certain number of points is reached, a player may receive rewards for reaching a certain rank after the event is over, in overall points and in event song ranking.
Note: Generally, the song's LP cost reflects the maximum number of tokens the player can receive from the stage, i.e. a song that costs 4 LP will give 4 event tokens. There are two exceptions to this: 15 LP songs will give 16 tokens, and 25 LP songs will give 27 tokens. Also note that in order to receive the token, the player may score Bad or higher, but the player cannot miss the token in the stage. If the player misses the token, he/she will not receive it at the end of the performance.
Two Expert modes for the event stage (one regular and one with randomized note placement) are also available to play, and are separate icons in the list of special songs.
A 4x version of the event stage is available towards the end of the event. The 4x version costs 4 times as many tokens to play for each difficulty (60 for Easy, 120 for Normal, 180 for Hard, 300 for Expert) and reward 4 times as many event points. Also, the clear trophies require a quartered number of plays (rounded up) to obtain. However, the G/XP/card rewards do not change, so this is only useful if you have a lot of tokens and want to save time and effort.
The following tables show the number of event points obtained based on difficulty, rank and combo when playing the event song. Numbers in brackets show the number of event points per token. Cells highlighted in green mean that they are more efficient than a lower difficulty. There was a change in the number of event points earned each event live for all difficulties, taking effect on June 5th, 2016. Expert was increased by 40%, Hard was increased by 12%, Normal was increased by 6%, and Easy was increased by 9%.
Old events (before June 5, 2016)
Easy | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 65 (4.33) | 64 (4.27) | 62 (4.13) | 61 (4.07) | 60 (4) |
A Rank | 64 (4.27) | 62 (4.13) | 61 (4.07) | 60 (4) | 59 (3.93) |
B Rank | 62 (4.13) | 61 (4.07) | 60 (4) | 59 (3.93) | 58 (3.87) |
C Rank | 59 (3.93) | 58 (3.87) | 57 (3.8) | 56 (3.73) | 55 (3.67) |
No Rank | 56 (3.73) | 55 (3.67) | 54 (3.60) | 53 (3.53) | 52 (3.47) |
Normal | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 140 (4.67) | 138 (4.6) | 135 (4.5) | 132 (4.4) | 130 (4.33) |
A Rank | 135 (4.5) | 133 (4.43) | 130 (4.33) | 127 (4.23) | 125 (4.17) |
B Rank | 130 (4.33) | 128 (4.27) | 125 (4.17) | 123 (4.1) | 120 (4) |
C Rank | 124 (4.13) | 121 (4.03) | 119 (3.97) | 116 (3.87) | 114 (3.8) |
No Rank | 117 (3.9) | 115 (3.83) | 113 (3.77) | 110 (3.67) | 108 (3.6) |
Hard | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 233 (5.18) | 227 (5.04) | 220 (4.89) | 216 (4.8) | 211 (4.69) |
A Rank | 223 (4.96) | 216 (4.8) | 210 (4.67) | 206 (4.58) | 202 (4.49) |
B Rank | 212 (4.71) | 206 (4.58) | 200 (4.44) | 196 (4.36) | 192 (4.27) |
C Rank | 201 (4.47) | 196 (4.36) | 190 (4.22) | 186 (4.13) | 182 (4.04) |
No Rank | 191 (4.24) | 185 (4.11) | 180 (4) | 176 (3.91) | 173 (3.84) |
Expert | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 404 (5.39) | 393 (5.24) | 371 (4.95) | 363 (4.84) | 356 (4.75) |
A Rank | 386 (5.15) | 375 (5) | 354 (4.72) | 347 (4.63) | 340 (4.53) |
B Rank | 364 (4.85) | 354 (4.72) | 334 (4.45) | 327 (4.36) | 321 (4.28) |
C Rank | 346 (4.61) | 336 (4.48) | 317 (4.23) | 311 (4.15) | 305 (4.07) |
No Rank | 328 (4.37) | 319 (4.25) | 301 (4.01) | 295 (3.93) | 289 (3.85) |
New events (after June 5, 2016)
Easy | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 71 (4.73) | 70 (4.67) | 69 (4.60) | 67 (4.47) | 66 (4.40) |
A Rank | 70 (4.67) | 68 (4.53) | 66 (4.40) | 65 (4.33) | 64 (4.27) |
B Rank | 68 (4.53) | 66 (4.40) | 65 (4.33) | 64 (4.27) | 63 (4.20) |
C Rank | 64 (4.27) | 63 (4.20) | 62 (4.13) | 61 (4.07) | 60 (4.00) |
No Rank | 62 (4.13) | 61 (4.07) | 60 (4.00) | 59 (3.93) | 57 (3.80) |
Normal | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 148 (4.93) | 145 (4.83) | 143 (4.77) | 140 (4.67) | 137 (4.57) |
A Rank | 143 (4.77) | 140 (4.67) | 137 (4.57) | 135 (4.50) | 133 (4.43) |
B Rank | 137 (4.57) | 135 (4.50) | 132 (4.40) | 129 (4.30) | 125 (4.23) |
C Rank | 131 (4.37) | 128 (4.27) | 126 (4.20) | 123 (4.10) | 121 (4.03) |
No Rank | 124 (4.13) | 122 (4.07) | 120 (4.00) | 117 (3.90) | 114 (3.80) |
Hard | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 261 (5.80) | 254 (5.64) | 246 (5.47) | 241 (5.36) | 237 (5.27) |
A Rank | 249 (5.53) | 242 (5.38) | 235 (5.22) | 230 (5.11) | 226 (5.02) |
B Rank | 237 (5.27) | 231 (5.13) | 224 (4.98) | 220 (4.89) | 215 (4.78) |
C Rank | 226 (5.02) | 219 (4.87) | 213 (4.73) | 209 (4.64) | 204 (4.53) |
No Rank | 214 (4.76) | 207 (4.60) | 202 (4.49) | 197 (4.38) | 194 (4.31) |
Expert | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 565 (7.53) | 549 (7.32) | 518 (6.91) | 508 (6.77) | 498 (6.64) |
A Rank | 540 (7.20) | 525 (7.00) | 495 (6.60) | 485 (6.47) | 475 (6.33) |
B Rank | 509 (6.79) | 495 (6.60) | 467 (6.23) | 458 (6.11) | 448 (5.97) |
C Rank | 484 (6.45) | 470 (6.27) | 444 (5.92) | 435 (5.80) | 426 (5.68) |
No Rank | 459 (6.12) | 446 (5.95) | 421 (5.61) | 413 (5.51) | 403 (5.37) |
Newer events (after April 20, 2020)
Points get after playing event song changed again, but they also introduced a support team (called "Yell team", up to 5 cards) giving you a bonus % for points you get (Up to 500%). Specific cards give bonus. When editing that team, only eligible cards will be shown. Cards change each event, with different values based on boost characters, card rarity, idolized or not.
Easy | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 73 (4.87) | 70 (4.67) | 69 (4.60) | 67 (4.47) | 66 (4.40) |
A Rank | 72 (4.80) | 69 (4.60) | 68 (4.53) | 66 (4.40) | 65 (4.27) |
B Rank | 71 (4.73) | 68 (4.53) | 66 (4.40) | 65 (4.27) | 64 (4.27) |
C Rank | 67 (4.47) | 65 (4.27) | 63 (4.20) | 62 (4.13) | 61 (4.07) |
No Rank | 64 (4.27) | 61 (4.07) | 60 (4.00) | 59 (3.93) | 58 (3.87) |
Normal | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 155 (5.17) | 149 (4.97) | 144 (4.80) | 141 (4.70) | 138 (4.60) |
A Rank | 149 (4.97) | 144 (4.80) | 139 (4.63) | 136 (4.53) | 133 (4.43) |
B Rank | 144 (4.80) | 139 (4.63) | 134 (4.47) | 131 (4.37) | 129 (4.30) |
C Rank | 138 (4.60) | 133 (4.43) | 128 (4.27) | 125 (4.17) | 123 (4.10) |
No Rank | 131 (4.37) | 126 (4.20) | 122 (4.07) | 119 (3.97) | 117 (3.90) |
Hard | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 271 (6.02) | 261 (5.80) | 247 (5.49) | 242 (5.38) | 238 (5.29) |
A Rank | 260 (5.78) | 250 (5.56) | 237 (5.27) | 232 (5.16) | 228 (5.07) |
B Rank | 251 (5.58) | 242 (5.38) | 227 (5.04) | 222 (4.93) | 218 (4.84) |
C Rank | 237 (5.27) | 229 (5.09) | 216 (4.80) | 212 (4.71) | 208 (4.62) |
No Rank | 226 (5.02) | 218 (4.84) | 206 (4.58) | 202 (4.49) | 198 (4.40) |
Expert | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 580 (7.73) | 560 (7.47) | 520 (6.93) | 510 (6.80) | 500 (6.67) |
A Rank | 552 (7.36) | 533 (7.11) | 495 (6.60) | 485 (6.47) | 476 (6.35) |
B Rank | 523 (6.97) | 505 (6.73) | 469 (6.25) | 460 (6.13) | 451 (6.01) |
C Rank | 499 (6.65) | 482 (6.43) | 448 (5.97) | 439 (5.85) | 431 (5.75) |
No Rank | 476 (6.35) | 459 (6.12) | 426 (5.68) | 418 (5.57) | 410 (5.47) |
Master | |||||
S Combo | A Combo | B Combo | C Combo | No Combo | |
S Rank | 792 (10.56) | 766 (10.21) | 698 (9.31) | 685 (9.13) | 672 (8.96) |
A Rank | 742 (9.89) | 717 (9.56) | 654 (8.72) | 642 (8.56) | 629 (8.39) |
B Rank | 692 (9.23) | 668 (8.91) | 610 (8.13) | 598 (7.97) | 586 (7.81) |
C Rank | 660 (8.8) | 638 (8.51) | 582 (7.76) | 571 (7.61) | 560 (7.47) |
No Rank | 629 (8.39) | 608 (8.11) | 554 (7.39) | 544 (7.25) | 533 (7.11) |
Note: values are calculated and not verified, so they may be changed later.
Score Match Event
On October 5, 2013, a new form of event was added to Love Live! School Idol Festival. This event pits players against each other to compete for the highest ranking score, rewarding higher ranking players with more points.
To participate in the Score Match event, enter the Event page through from the Home Screen (the event should be appropriately titled "Score Match"). In the center, there is a large button with the words スコアマッチに参加する! Pressing this will bring you to a difficulty screen. The player chooses the difficulty and a random song from the pool of songs will be selected of that difficulty. The player chooses the unit he or she wishes to use, then is placed into a waiting room with 3 other players. While waiting, preset chat phrases may be used to communicate with your fellow players. If a player finishes before all other players are finished (likely due to lag), they are once again placed into a waiting room and can exchange another set of preset phrases. (Players may do this during the results screen as well.)
After finishing the live stage, the players are ranked from 1st to 4th based on their score (although their combo record is shown too). Then event points are calculated (after gaining experience, kizuna, and G like usual). Each difficulty has its own base amount of event points. The base number of points gets multiplied by multipliers depending on the player's score rank and placement compared to the other players. If the player fails the song, they gain a fixed amount of event points.
Score Match Round 16 introduced a new difficulty called Technical. It features Expert-level daily songs as well as randomized-notes version of the songs that are in the regular Expert pool. When competing in a Random EX, all 4 participants will have the same note layout. As the songs in this pool are still considered Expert-level, the cost and rewards are the same as the regular Expert mode.
The tables below show the number of event points gained based on score rank and finishing place. Numbers in brackets show the number of event points per LP. Generally, the most efficient way to gain points is to play at the highest difficulty you can pass. For events prior to July 5, 2016, the only exception to this is between Hard and Expert, as they give roughly the same amount of points per LP.
Old events (before July 5, 2016)
Easy (Base 36, Fail 12) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 54 (10.8) | 50 (10) | 45 (9) | 43 (8.6) | 48 (9.6) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 52 (10.4) | 48 (9.6) | 43 (8.6) | 41 (8.2) | 46 (9.2) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 50 (10) | 46 (9.2) | 42 (8.4) | 40 (8) | 44.5 (8.9) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 47 (9.4) | 43 (8.6) | 40 (8) | 38 (7.6) | 42 (8.4) |
No Rank (×1) | 45 (9) | 41 (8.2) | 38 (7.6) | 36 (7.2) | 40 (8) |
Normal (Base 89, Fail 30) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 134 (13.4) | 123 (12.3) | 112 (11.2) | 107 (10.7) | 119 (11.9) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 128 (12.8) | 118 (11.8) | 107 (10.7) | 102 (10.2) | 113.75 (11.375) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 122 (12.2) | 113 (11.3) | 103 (10.3) | 98 (9.8) | 109 (10.9) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 117 (11.7) | 107 (10.7) | 98 (9.8) | 93 (9.3) | 103.75 (10.375) |
No Rank (×1) | 111 (11.1) | 102 (10.2) | 93 (9.3) | 89 (8.9) | 98.75 (9.875) |
Hard (Base 163, Fail 55) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 245 (16.33) | 225 (15) | 205 (13.67) | 196 (13.07) | 217.75 (14.517) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 234 (15.6) | 216 (14.4) | 197 (13.13) | 187 (12.47) | 208.5 (13.9) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 224 (14.93) | 206 (13.73) | 188 (12.53) | 179 (11.93) | 199.25 (13.283) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 214 (14.27) | 197 (13.13) | 180 (12) | 171 (11.4) | 190.5 (12.7) |
No Rank (×1) | 204 (13.6) | 187 (12.47) | 171 (11.4) | 163 (10.87) | 181.25 (12.083) |
Expert/Technical (Base 272, Fail 91) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 408 (16.32) | 375 (15) | 343 (13.72) | 326 (13.04) | 363 (14.52) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 391 (15.64) | 360 (14.4) | 328 (13.12) | 313 (12.52) | 348 (13.92) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 374 (14.96) | 344 (13.76) | 314 (12.56) | 299 (11.96) | 332.75 (13.31) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 357 (14.28) | 328 (13.12) | 300 (12) | 286 (11.44) | 317.75 (12.71) |
No Rank (×1) | 340 (13.6) | 313 (12.52) | 286 (11.44) | 272 (10.88) | 302.75 (12.11) |
New events (after July 5, 2016)
Easy (Base 42, Fail 14) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 63 (12.6) | 58 (11.6) | 53 (10.6) | 50 (10) | 56 (11.2) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 60 (12) | 56 (11.2) | 51 (10.2) | 48 (9.6) | 54 (10.8) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 58 (11.6) | 53 (10.6) | 49 (9.8) | 46 (9.2) | 51 (10.2) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 55 (11) | 51 (10.2) | 46 (9.2) | 44 (8.8) | 49 (9.8) |
No Rank (×1) | 53 (10.6) | 48 (9.6) | 44 (8.8) | 42 (8.4) | 47 (9.4) |
Normal (Base 100, Fail 34) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 150 (15) | 138 (13.8) | 126 (12.6) | 120 (12) | 134 (13.4) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 144 (14.4) | 132 (13.2) | 121 (12.1) | 115 (11.5) | 128 (12.8) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 138 (13.8) | 127 (12.7) | 116 (11.6) | 110 (11) | 122 (12.2) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 131 (13.1) | 121 (12.1) | 110 (11) | 105 (10.5) | 117 (11.7) |
No Rank (×1) | 125 (12.5) | 115 (11.5) | 105 (10.5) | 100 (10) | 111 (11.1) |
Hard (Base 177, Fail 59) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 266 (17.73) | 244 (16.27) | 223 (14.87) | 212 (14.13) | 236 (15.73) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 254 (16.93) | 234 (15.6) | 214 (14.27) | 204 (13.6) | 226 (15.07) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 243 (16.2) | 224 (14.93) | 204 (13.6) | 195 (13) | 217 (14.47) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 232 (15.47) | 214 (14.27) | 195 (13) | 186 (12.4) | 207 (13.8) |
No Rank (×1) | 221 (14.73) | 204 (13.6) | 186 (12.4) | 177 (11.8) | 197 (13.13) |
Expert/Technical (Base 357, Fail 119) | |||||
1st Place (×1.25) | 2nd Place (×1.15) | 3rd Place (×1.05) | 4th Place (×1) | Average (×~1.1125) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 536 (21.44) | 493 (19.72) | 450 (18) | 428 (17.12) | 477 (19.08) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 513 (20.52) | 472 (18.88) | 431 (17.24) | 411 (16.44) | 457 (18.28) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 491 (19.64) | 452 (18.08) | 412 (16.48) | 393 (15.72) | 437 (17.48) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 469 (18.76) | 431 (17.24) | 394 (15.76) | 375 (15) | 417 (16.68) |
No Rank (×1) | 446 (17.84) | 411 (16.44) | 375 (15) | 357 (14.28) | 397 (15.88) |
Newer events (after May 20, 2020)
Master difficulty added. Base points TBD.
Medley Festival
On December 5, 2014, another new event type was introduced to Love Live! School Idol Festival. In this event, players are able to play up to three songs consecutively, with combo, score, and HP carrying over from one song to another.
Much like Score Match, to participate in the Medley Festival event, enter into the event page from the Home Screen (appropriately named "Medley Festival" in English) and press the center area marked フェスを開催する. This will bring you to a screen where you can choose your difficulty and the number of songs you would like to do. Note that the cost to play a song in Medley festival is 20% less than the Score Match cost of playing a song of that difficulty (e.g. Expert songs cost 20 LP per song in Medley Festival, in comparison to 25 LP normally); however, the amount of EXP gained remains the same (e.g. 83 for an Expert song). Both the LP cost and the EXP gained scales linearly with the number of songs: 1 Expert song costs 20 LP, 2 cost 40 LP, and 3 cost 60 LP, giving 83, 166, and 249 EXP respectively.
Once the desired difficulty and number of songs has been chosen, pressing OK will use the LP and show the player which songs were (randomly) chosen. Note that the songs chosen will all be of one particular attribute (all Smile, all Pure, or all Cool) - there will never be a mix of attributes. Once the team is chosen, the player is allowed to select special additional arrangement bonuses for the medley festival stages. The player uses G to purchase these if they wish. See the table below for what each of these bonuses can do. Pressing start will begin the Medley Festival.
The player will then play all songs in the order chosen. Before each song, there is a chance that one of your friends or another player in the game will cheer you on, giving various effects. Note that while the friend or player's main center is shown on the screen, the actual character does not affect which effect you get; it is completely random. Starting with Medley Festival 15, you will not get the same cheer bonus twice within the same festival. Possible effects are:
Text | Effect | Notes |
報酬追加:銅 | Gives an extra bronze/silver/gold reward (see below) | |
報酬追加:銀 | ||
報酬追加:金 | ||
獲得Gアップ | Increases the amount of G received by 50% (25% for non-friends) | Stacks multiplicatively |
パーフェクトサポート | Gives two extra perfect supports that change goods or bads to perfects (one for non-friends) | Adds to the number you have, no maximum |
タップSCOREアップ | Increases the number of points gained per note by 10% (5% for non-friends) in a single song | Stacks multiplicatively with the arrangement bonus |
特技発動確率アップ | Increases the activation chance of all skills by 10% multiplicative (5% for non-friends) in a single song | |
イベントptアップ | Increases the number of event points gained by 10% (5% for non-friends) | |
体力回復 | Restores HP by 30% (15% for non-friends) | Stacks additively with the arrangement bonus Will not happen before the first song |
Once all songs are complete, different tiers of prizes (bronze, silver, gold) are given out. As in a regular live, up to three are given, not including bonus ones from cheer rewards: one for clearing the festival, one for obtaining a score rank, and one for obtaining a combo rank (Combo C is defined as 30% of the total notes, B as 50% and A as 70%, rounded up). What tier of prizes the player receives is random, but a higher difficulty and using the arrangement bonus increases the chance of getting silver and gold rewards. A list of possible rewards in each tier is shown below.
Gold |
Silver |
Bronze |
As with any other live show in the game, EXP and G are obtained, and bonus multipliers are applied if applicable, either from arrangement bonuses or cheer bonuses. Finally, event points are received. The number of event points obtained from a festival is based on the difficulty and the number of songs played. The score rank, combo rank, and arrangement and cheer bonuses act as multipliers. The following tables show the number of event points gained at each difficulty and for each score and combo rank with numbers in brackets showing the number of event points per LP. Note that they do not take into account arrange and cheer bonuses. A colored background indicates that it is more efficient than at a lower difficulty; a darker green background means that it is more efficient than a lower number of songs at the same difficulty.
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |||
Easy | 3 Songs (Base 99) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 128 (10.67) | 126 (10.5) | 124 (10.33) | 121 (10.08) | 119 (9.92) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 123 (10.25) | 121 (10.08) | 118 (9.83) | 116 (9.67) | 114 (9.5) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 118 (9.83) | 115 (9.58) | 113 (9.42) | 111 (9.25) | 109 (9.08) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 112 (9.33) | 110 (9.17) | 108 (9) | 106 (8.83) | 104 (8.67) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 107 (8.92) | 105 (8.75) | 103 (8.58) | 101 (8.42) | 99 (8.25) | ||
2 Songs (Base 64) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 83 (10.38) | 81 (10.13) | 80 (10) | 78 (9.75) | 77 (9.63) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 79 (9.88) | 78 (9.75) | 77 (9.63) | 75 (9.38) | 74 (9.25) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 76 (9.5) | 75 (9.38) | 73 (9.13) | 72 (9) | 70 (8.75) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 73 (9.13) | 71 (8.88) | 70 (8.75) | 69 (8.63) | 67 (8.38) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 69 (8.63) | 68 (8.5) | 67 (8.38) | 65 (8.13) | 64 (8) | ||
1 Song (Base 31) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 40 (10) | 39 (9.75) | 39 (9.75) | 38 (9.5) | 37 (9.25) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 39 (9.75) | 38 (9.5) | 37 (9.25) | 36 (9) | 36 (9) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 37 (9.25) | 36 (9) | 35 (8.75) | 35 (8.75) | 34 (8.5) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 35 (8.75) | 35 (8.75) | 34 (8.5) | 33 (8.25) | 33 (8.25) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 33 (8.25) | 33 (8.25) | 32 (8) | 32 (8) | 31 (7.75) |
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |||
Normal | 3 Songs (Base 234) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 303 (12.63) | 298 (12.42) | 292 (12.17) | 286 (11.92) | 281 (11.71) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 291 (12.13) | 285 (11.88) | 280 (11.67) | 274 (11.42) | 269 (11.21) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 278 (11.58) | 273 (11.38) | 268 (11.17) | 263 (10.96) | 257 (10.71) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 265 (11.04) | 260 (10.83) | 256 (10.67) | 251 (10.46) | 246 (10.25) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 253 (10.54) | 248 (10.33) | 243 (10.13) | 239 (9.96) | 234 (9.75) | ||
2 Songs (Base 150) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 194 (12.13) | 191 (11.94) | 187 (11.69) | 184 (11.5) | 180 (11.25) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 186 (11.63) | 183 (11.44) | 179 (11.19) | 176 (11) | 173 (10.81) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 178 (11.13) | 175 (10.94) | 172 (10.75) | 168 (10.5) | 165 (10.31) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 170 (10.63) | 167 (10.44) | 164 (10.25) | 161 (10.06) | 158 (9.88) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 162 (10.13) | 159 (9.94) | 156 (9.75) | 153 (9.56) | 150 (9.38) | ||
1 Song (Base 72) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 93 (11.63) | 92 (11.5) | 90 (11.25) | 88 (11) | 86 (10.75) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 89 (11.13) | 88 (11) | 86 (10.75) | 84 (10.5) | 83 (10.38) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 86 (10.75) | 84 (10.5) | 82 (10.25) | 81 (10.13) | 79 (9.88) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 82 (10.25) | 80 (10) | 79 (9.88) | 77 (9.63) | 76 (9.5) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 78 (9.75) | 76 (9.5) | 75 (9.38) | 73 (9.13) | 72 (9) |
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |||
Hard | 3 Songs (Base 408) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 529 (14.69) | 519 (14.42) | 509 (14.14) | 499 (13.86) | 490 (13.61) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 507 (14.08) | 497 (13.81) | 488 (13.56) | 479 (13.31) | 469 (13.03) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 485 (13.47) | 476 (13.22) | 467 (12.97) | 458 (12.72) | 449 (12.47) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 463 (12.86) | 454 (12.61) | 446 (12.39) | 437 (12.14) | 428 (11.89) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 441 (12.25) | 432 (12) | 424 (11.78) | 416 (11.56) | 408 (11.33) | ||
2 Songs (Base 262) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 340 (14.17) | 333 (13.88) | 327 (13.63) | 321 (13.38) | 314 (13.08) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 325 (13.54) | 319 (13.29) | 313 (13.04) | 307 (12.79) | 301 (12.54) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 311 (12.96) | 305 (12.71) | 300 (12.5) | 294 (12.25) | 288 (12) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 297 (12.38) | 292 (12.17) | 286 (11.92) | 281 (11.71) | 275 (11.46) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 283 (11.79) | 278 (11.58) | 272 (11.33) | 267 (11.13) | 262 (10.92) | ||
1 Song (Base 126) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 163 (13.58) | 160 (13.33) | 157 (13.08) | 154 (12.83) | 151 (12.58) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 156 (13) | 154 (12.83) | 151 (12.58) | 148 (12.33) | 145 (12.08) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 150 (12.5) | 147 (12.25) | 144 (12) | 141 (11.75) | 139 (11.58) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 143 (11.92) | 140 (11.67) | 138 (11.5) | 135 (11.25) | 132 (11) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 136 (11.33) | 134 (11.17) | 131 (10.92) | 129 (10.75) | 126 (10.5) |
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |||
Expert | 3 Songs (Base 777) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 1007 (16.78) | 988 (16.47) | 970 (16.17) | 951 (15.85) | 932 (15.53) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 965 (16.08) | 947 (15.78) | 929 (15.48) | 911 (15.18) | 894 (14.9) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 923 (15.38) | 906 (15.1) | 889 (14.82) | 872 (14.53) | 855 (14.25) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 881 (14.68) | 865 (14.42) | 848 (14.13) | 832 (13.87) | 816 (13.6) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 839 (13.98) | 824 (13.73) | 808 (13.47) | 793 (13.22) | 777 (12.95) | ||
2 Songs (Base 500) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 648 (16.2) | 636 (15.9) | 624 (15.6) | 612 (15.3) | 600 (15) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 621 (15.53) | 610 (15.25) | 598 (14.95) | 587 (14.68) | 575 (14.38) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 594 (14.85) | 583 (14.58) | 572 (14.3) | 561 (14.03) | 550 (13.75) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 567 (14.18) | 557 (13.93) | 546 (13.65) | 536 (13.4) | 525 (13.13) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 540 (13.5) | 530 (13.25) | 520 (13) | 510 (12.75) | 500 (12.5) | ||
1 Song (Base 241) |
S Rank (×1.2) | 312 (15.6) | 307 (15.35) | 301 (15.05) | 295 (14.75) | 289 (14.45) | |
A Rank (×1.15) | 299 (14.95) | 294 (14.7) | 288 (14.4) | 283 (14.15) | 277 (13.85) | ||
B Rank (×1.1) | 286 (14.3) | 281 (14.05) | 276 (13.8) | 270 (13.5) | 265 (13.25) | ||
C Rank (×1.05) | 273 (13.65) | 268 (13.4) | 263 (13.15) | 258 (12.9) | 253 (12.65) | ||
No Rank (×1) | 260 (13) | 255 (12.75) | 251 (12.55) | 246 (12.3) | 241 (12.05) |
In the case of the player failing during the second or third song of the Medley Festival, he or she will gain a fixed amount of points depending on the total number of songs in the festival and the song on which he or she failed. Failing on the first song will net him or her zero points regardless.
Difficulty | Total Songs | Failed on... | |
Second Song | Third Song | ||
Easy | 2 Songs | 16 | |
3 Songs | 17 | 33 | |
Normal | 2 Songs | 38 | |
3 Songs | 39 | 78 | |
Hard | 2 Songs | 66 | |
3 Songs | 68 | 136 | |
Expert | 2 Songs | 125 | |
3 Songs | 130 | 259 |
Challenge Festival
On March 5, 2016, yet another new event type was added to the game, allowing players to play up to five songs consecutively with each song being progressively harder than the last and yielding greater rewards. The event is somewhat similar to Medley Festival, and this section will make references back to that section as a result.
On the event page, tapping the center area marked フェスを開催する will pop up a screen where you can choose the course you wish to play. In increasing difficulty, they are Beginner, Normal, Hard, and Extreme, costing 5, 10, 15, and 25 LP per song respectively. Each course contains five rounds, with one round per song. Each round has its own pool of songs from which a song is selected. A different unit can be used for each song, and unlike in Medley Festival, score, combo, and HP do not carry over. Each round is independent of the others. You are allowed to stop and come back to the festival in between rounds, as your progress is saved.
Once the song has been decided, up to three bonuses can activate, shown on the right side of the screen. Each bonus has an effect and is associated with a µ's character in a certain outfit. The bonuses last only for the current round. The further you progress in a course, the more likely that a bonus will activate. The following table shows the possible bonuses that can activate.
Icon | Effect |
![]() |
The first good or bad during the song is turned into perfect. |
![]() |
Increases the amount of G gained by 5%. |
![]() |
Increases the number of event points gained by 5% (10% if the cheerleader outfit). |
If three bonuses activate, then depending on which three characters show up, special conditional bonuses will also activate. These bonuses give an effect if a certain condition is reached upon completion of the round.
It is possible to have more than one of these bonuses activate at the same time, such as if the characters are all first years and in cheerleader outfits. Tapping the button labeled 効果詳細 at the top right shows all active bonuses and their effects.
Pressing start brings you to the unit selection screen for you to choose the unit to use for that song. Upon pressing OK, you can select the arrangement bonuses that you wish to purchase, which are identical to the Medley Festival ones (except for the one to recover HP since HP does not carry over). However, their effect only lasts for the current round and must be repurchased each time. Their cost is also halved as a result. Pressing start will begin the live.
Once the round is complete, EXP, G, and event points are collected, as well as prizes of different tiers (gold, silver, and bronze), with later rounds being more likely to drop a gold or silver prize. Refer to the table in the Medley Festival section for details of what appears in each different tier. Note that the specific prizes are not shown and nothing, including EXP, is actually received until the festival is complete. As you progress through the course, the amount of EXP and event points gained increases. See the tables below for the base values without the multipliers from score, combo, and bonuses.
EXP Gained | |||||
Course | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 |
Beginner | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Normal | 26 | 29 | 32 | 35 | 38 |
Hard | 46 | 51 | 56 | 61 | 66 |
Expert | 83 | 93 | 103 | 113 | 123 |
Base Event Points Gained | |||||
Course | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 |
Beginner | 39 (7.8) | 40 (8) | 41 (8.2) | 42 (8.4) | 43 (8.6) |
Normal | 91 (9.1) | 94 (9.4) | 97 (9.7) | 100 (10) | 103 (10.3) |
Hard | 158 (10.53) | 164 (10.93) | 170 (11.33) | 176 (11.73) | 182 (12.13) |
Expert | 301 (12.04) | 320 (12.8) | 339 (13.56) | 358 (14.32) | 377 (15.08) |
God | 391 (15.64) | 420 (16.8) | 449 (17.96) | 478 (19.12) | 507 (20.28) |
Extreme | 301 (12.04) | 391 (15.64) | 481 (19.24) | 661 (26.44) | 931 (37.24) |
The number of event points gained are multiplied by a certain factor depending on the score and combo rank. Obtaining a score rank of S, A, B, and C gives a multiplier of 1.2, 1.15, 1.1, and 1.05 respectively. Obtaining a combo rank of S, A, B, and C gives a multiplier of 1.08, 1.06, 1.04, and 1.02 respectively. Bonuses will further increase your event points.
The whole process repeats until five songs have been played, or if you decide to quit after a round. Starting from the second round, a button labeled 受け取って終了 is available on the bottom right of the screen showing the song and bonuses. If you feel that the song is too difficult for you, you can select this button to end the festival and claim all of the rewards you have collected. The amount of EXP, G, event points, and prizes you have banked can be seen by pressing the 現在の報酬 button directly above this one. In the event that you fail a song, you will receive half of the collected EXP, G, and event points, and none of the prizes.
Touring Rally Event
On April 5, 2017, another new event type was added to the game, which is played by advancing through areas on a map to read original stories written for the game and clearing lives. Each event consists of a prologue and epilogue that only has a story chapter, 5 Story Spots that each have a story section and a live section with a fixed song, and 3 Challenge Spots, one for each attribute, that have lives randomly selected from a pool of songs. The first Story Spot is unlocked by clearing the prologue, and each subsequent one is unlocked after clearing all of the missions from the previous one and reaching a certain number of event points. Challenge Spots are gradually unlocked upon clearing Story Spots, and only the lives there count toward the score rankings for the event.
Event points can be obtained by reading through each story section for the first time and by playing the lives in each of the spots. Reading the prologue gives 50 points, the story for the first Story Spot gives 150 points, and all subsequent story sections give 200 points. The points awarded from clearing any of the live sections from both Story Spots and Challenge Spots are shown in the tables below with the numbers in brackets being the number of event points gained per LP. Cells highlighted in green mean that they are more efficient than a lower difficulty.
Easy (Base 42) | |||||
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 54 (10.8) | 53 (10.6) | 52 (10.4) | 51 (10.2) | 50 (10) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 52 (10.4) | 51 (10.2) | 50 (10) | 49 (9.8) | 48 (9.6) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 50 (10) | 49 (9.8) | 48 (9.6) | 47 (9.4) | 46 (9.2) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 48 (9.6) | 47 (9.4) | 46 (9.2) | 45 (9) | 44 (8.8) |
No Rank (×1) | 45 (9) | 45 (9) | 44 (8.8) | 43 (8.6) | 42 (8.4) |
Normal (Base 99) | |||||
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 128 (12.8) | 126 (12.6) | 124 (12.4) | 121 (12.1) | 119 (11.9) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 123 (12.3) | 121 (12.1) | 118 (11.8) | 116 (11.6) | 114 (11.4) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 118 (11.8) | 115 (11.5) | 113 (11.3) | 111 (11.1) | 109 (10.9) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 112 (11.2) | 110 (11) | 108 (10.8) | 106 (10.6) | 104 (10.4) |
No Rank (×1) | 107 (10.7) | 105 (10.5) | 103 (10.3) | 101 (10.1) | 99 (9.9) |
Hard (Base 173) | |||||
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 224 (14.93) | 220 (14.67) | 216 (14.4) | 212 (14.13) | 208 (13.87) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 215 (14.33) | 211 (14.07) | 207 (13.8) | 203 (13.53) | 199 (13.27) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 206 (13.73) | 202 (13.47) | 198 (13.2) | 194 (12.93) | 190 (12.67) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 196 (13.07) | 193 (12.87) | 189 (12.6) | 185 (12.33) | 182 (12.13) |
No Rank (×1) | 187 (12.47) | 183 (12.2) | 180 (12) | 176 (11.73) | 173 (11.53) |
Expert (Base 343) | |||||
S Combo (×1.08) | A Combo (×1.06) | B Combo (×1.04) | C Combo (×1.02) | No Combo (×1) | |
S Rank (×1.2) | 445 (17.8) | 436 (17.44) | 428 (17.12) | 420 (16.8) | 412 (16.48) |
A Rank (×1.15) | 426 (17.04) | 418 (16.72) | 410 (16.4) | 402 (16.08) | 394 (15.76) |
B Rank (×1.1) | 407 (16.28) | 400 (16) | 392 (15.68) | 385 (15.4) | 377 (15.08) |
C Rank (×1.05) | 389 (15.56) | 382 (15.28) | 375 (15) | 367 (14.68) | 360 (14.4) |
No Rank (×1) | 370 (14.8) | 364 (14.56) | 357 (14.28) | 350 (14) | 343 (13.72) |
Each quest also has an associated set of missions. Clearing these missions give extra items and rewards, separate from those obtained through event points.
Clearing lives also gives the player souvenirs, which are items that can be used to exchange for rewards, including the event point SR card. Each event has 4 types of souvenirs, and different spots drop a different ratio of these 4 types.
Before each live, there is also a fixed chance that a bonus will activate. The chance of a bonus appearing varies depending on the difficulty you choose to play the live on: 10% for Easy, 20% for Normal, 30% for Hard, and 50% for Expert. The possible bonuses are:
- The amount of G gained is increased by 50%
- The first 2 goods and bads during the song are turned into perfects
- The amount of EXP gained is increased by 10%
- The number of points gained per note is increased by 10%
- The activation chance of all skills is increased multiplicatively by 10%
- The number of event points gained is increased by 10%
After each live, there is a fixed chance that a Secret Spot appears. This is a special spot where a song from all of the Challenge Spot songs is randomly selected and up to 3 special bonuses can activate: increased event points (1.5x, 2x, 3x), reduced LP cost (50%, 65%, 80% of original LP cost), or increased souvenir drops (1.5x, 2x, 3x). This spot will only disappear once you play a live here; it will not disappear even if you play a live at some other spot beforehand.
Friendly Match Event
On July 20, 2017, a new cooperative event was added to the game, involving a team of 4 players working together to clear certain missions for songs. The missions come in the form of either a score mission, where the total score is greater than a certain target, or a combo mission, where the combined highest combo is greater than a certain target.
Much like the Score Match event, the player must tap a button on the home page of the event, select a difficulty, and wait for 3 other players to join the room. At this time, you can communicate with the other players using preset phrases and stamps. Once players have been found, the song is randomly chosen and the mission is displayed. Players then select the unit they wish to use. Each unit has an accompanying "Helping Power", which is based on the rarity of the cards in the unit and the skill levels of those cards.
Once everyone has selected a unit, a bonus corresponding to the mission type and the total Helping Power of all players activates. If the mission is for score, then each note will give x% more points, where x is the total Helping Power (e.g. 5 total Helping Power translates to a 5% score increase for each note). If the mission is for combo, then all players will start off with x perfect supports (bads and goods turn to perfects), where x is the total Helping Power. The live then begins.
When all players have finished, rewards are distributed and event points are calculated. Each difficulty rewards a base amount of points, with score, combo, personal contribution, and mission completion giving a certain multiplier, as shown by the tables below. Personal contribution is placement compared to other players in score for score missions and combo for combo missions.
Master difficulty added on May 05th 2020.
Base Points | |
Difficulty | Points |
Easy | 39 |
Normal | 89 |
Hard | 153 |
Expert | 301 |
Master | ? |
Score Multiplier | |
Rank | Multiplier |
S | 1.2 |
A | 1.15 |
B | 1.1 |
C | 1.05 |
None | 1 |
Combo Multiplier | |
Rank | Multiplier |
S | 1.08 |
A | 1.06 |
B | 1.04 |
C | 1.02 |
None | 1 |
Contribution Multiplier | |
Rank | Multiplier |
1st | 1.08 |
2nd | 1.05 |
3rd | 1.02 |
4th | 1 |
Mission Completion Multiplier | |
Rank (% of target) | Multiplier |
SSS (150%) | 1.45 |
SS (120%) | 1.35 |
S (100%) | 1.25 |
A (70%) | 1.15 |
B (50%) | 1.1 |
C (30%) | 1.05 |
D (0%) | 1 |
Getting a mission completion rank of C or above will give each player an extra reward in the form of support members, Rs, friend points, and G. If a player fails, then they will receive a fixed number of event points: 13 on Easy, 29 on Normal, 51 on Hard, and 100 on Expert. However, their score or combo will still count toward the mission for the players that completed the live.
There are also daily missions that change at 3 PM JST every day. All participants in the event contribute to this, and all players who have participated thus far receive rewards upon reaching certain completion level.
- If you are having trouble completing a live performance, try to build a team based on HP rather than any of the other stats and include as many cards that have healing skills as possible until you can do it without much healers. Also, try to turn off appeal effects in the options section so that they won't be a distraction in the song.
- Remember that Normal, Hard, Expert and Master mode is an option. You do not have to play the mode if you don't want to.
- Remember to have fun.