Character Profile
- Japanese Name: 月島結架
- Former School: Shion Girls Academy
- Year: Second
- Blood Type: B
- Height: 158cm
- Three Sizes: B76 / W57 / H82
- Birthday: July 21 (Cancer)
- Hobbies: Dancing
- Main Attribute: Smile
Tsukishima Yuuka [Normal #97]
Max Level: 40
HP: 4
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Added on June 30, 2013.
Tsukishima Yuuka [Normal #443]
Max Level: 40
HP: 4
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Rin to Ichiya no Machigai. event.
Tsukishima Yuuka [Normal #773]
Max Level: 40
HP: 4
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 23 event.
Tsukishima Yuuka [Normal #1031]
Max Level: 40
HP: 3
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Challenge Festival Round 5 event.
Tsukishima Yuuka [Normal #1543]
Max Level: 40
HP: 4
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Added on April 15, 2018.
Tsukishima Yuuka [Super Super Rare #1759]
Max Level: 90
HP: 4
Appeal: Total Trick
For every 20 notes, there is a 36% chance of turning all greats in the next 2 seconds into perfects. (Level 1)
Center Skill: Smile Energy
Increases Smile points by 4%.
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 37 event.
Tsukishima Yuuka [Normal #2230]
Max Level: 40
HP: 4
Appeal: None
Center Skill: None
Above: Initially awarded as a prize during the Score Match Round 41 event.
Side Stories
Self-Introduction? (#97)
Yuuka: Oh! Yeah! Hah!
Yuuka: I haven't seen you before.
Yuuka: ...Do you like to dance?
Yuuka: Huh? School idol?
Yuuka: I've never heard of that genre.
Yuuka: Right now I do hip-hop, house, and rock... I just really like the cool stuff.
Yuuka: I'm aiming to be a world-renowned dancer. So I need to master all kinds of dance styles!
Yuuka: ...Well, that should be enough for today. Yeah, that felt great.
Yuuka: I'm Tsukishima Yuuka. I'm always here, so come find me anytime.
Yuuka: You'd better!
Heavy Is Cute (#443)
Yuuka: It's okay. Don't be scared.
Yuuka: Aww, good boy. Oof, you're heavy!
Yuuka: Oh, hey, how've you been?
Yuuka: Were you looking for me? Hehe, just kidding. I know you weren't.
Yuuka: Anyways, check out this little guy! He must've been drawn to the school by the smell of our lunches.
Yuuka: He's fluffy, heavy, and lazy. I love it. Nothing's better than a big fat cat in your lap!
Yuuka: What should I name him? He's pretty beefy. How about Chuck?
Yuuka: Is that mean? I've never named anything before. I dunno what sounds good and what doesn't. Let's think of a cute name together.
I Love Rice Cake Soup (#773)
Yuuka: Happy New Year! I hope that both of us have another great year.
Yuuka: Now, enough with the formalities. I've been waiting for you to get here! Now I can finally eat my mochi rice cake soup.
Yuuka: Mmm, it's so good! Mochi rice cake soup is really tasty. I'd happily eat it any time, not just on New Year's!
Yuuka: In fact, maybe I'll resolve to eat some every day this year. Hey, how many mochi should I put in my second helping?
Yuuka: Oh, I almost forgot. After we finish eating, I've gotta change into my new costume.
Yuuka: Ta-da! Here's our latest outfit. It's a monkey costume! It's cute, festive, and even a little bit sexy!
Yuuka: Huh? My stomach's sticking out?
Yuuka: Oh, no! I must've eaten too much soup! Gotta do some crunches. How many do you think I need to do to burn off all those soup calories?
I Wanna Hang Out! (#1031)
Yuuka: Yoo-hoo! I just got out of class!
Yuuka: Today I've gotta make a mad dash to the club room, then go running in the courtyard. Tomorow's morning training...
Yuuka: School idols may look all cute and frilly on the outside, but inside they're more like trained athletes.
Yuuka: Be it singing or dancing, your compatriots will leave you in the dust if you don't put your heart into it.
Yuuka: Of course, I'm a great dancer, so I've got plenty of breathing room there!
Yuuka: When I first started as a school idol, I was a little on the fence about it, but now it's become a big passion!
Yuuka: Anyways, I rarely run into you after class, so what say we skip the club and go hang out?
Yuuka: Heh, heh. Just joking! But hey, how about Saturday? If you're not busy, we should get together for a little date!
A New Dance (#1543)
Yuuka: That was great just now! We just have to master our poses!
Yuuka: Oh, I didn't realize you were here at rehearsal too. Thanks! ♪
Yuuka: We're finishing up the final touches on our dance. That's the one thing I'm really, really, really good at!
Yuuka: Up until now, we've mostly all been doing the same dance, but I've been thinking that that's a bit lacking.
Yuuka: All the girls at our school are unique. ♪ So I wanted to come up with a dance that highlighted everyone's individuality.
Yuuka: Mikocchan's disciplinary committee dance, the sergeant's survival dance... Hehe, they're really one-of-a-kind! ♪
Yuuka: Variety is important, but of course there are parts where we'll sync up. I'm sure the people who come to see us will enjoy it!
Yuuka: Hehe, things are really getting fun now! I'll do my best to make this the best concert ever~!
Home Screen
All right, let's do this! (#97 Only)
Yeah! Let's do our best today! (#97 Only)
Hey, let's dance together! (#97 Only)
I can't help but move when I hear music. (#443 Only)
I'd rather have people think of me as cool instead of cute. (#443 Only)
Mikoto and Sayuri are coming with me to today's dance lesson. (#443 Only)
You'll get out of shape if you stay home for New Year's break. Come to dance lessons with me instead! (#773 Only)
Come see me more often. I have tones of things I want to talk with you about. (#773 Only)
Tell me your favorite song, so I can dance to it sometime. (#773 Only)
I don't get nervous onstage. Maybe I just have a heart of steel! (#1031 Only)
Fall is for reading? Hmm... I think fall should be for frolicking. Doesn't that sound more fun?! (#1031 Only)
The disciplinary committee... You mean like the school game leaders? They're really cool! (#1031 Only)
うーん……あったかくなると眠くなってくるね (#1543 only)
Hmm... The warmer weather's making me sleepy.
ほらほら、手を貸して。一緒に踊るんだよーっ (#1543 only)
Come on, give me your hand. Let's dance together!
ねー、次はいつ出かけられる? キミがくるの待ってるんだよ~っ (#1543 only)
Hey, when are you free? I'm waiting for you to come~!
Tapping the Character
Huh? Wh-What?
Do you want me to teach you how to dance?
It's a Live Show! Shall we dance? Looking forward to it! (When there is a Live available)
Ah! What kind of Story is there? (When there are unread Stories)